October 18, 2008
Subtitle | Edition bilingue |
Publisher | Argol |
EAN/ISBN | 978-2915978377 |
Release Date | 2008-10-18 |
Author(s) | Alexander Dickow |
Summary | Caramboles is a collection of poems in French and English. The author writes, “The most cockeyed, twitching, wobbliest gait eventually becomes so ungainly, so weirdly lopsided that it dances. This book would rather linger in the confines, if it can, wherever the one becomes the other. I assault the French language, my second; I clutter it with l’on-lit and qu’on-con, unthinkable infractions, maim it with impossible malaprops. I torment and overthrow my other second language, English; I embrace every solecism, bludgeon with blunders every ear within eyeshot; I merrily reduce the English language to a frenzied shuffle. Or else I unhinge language, dislocate it, as though I were a gnome in a museum tilting picture-frames for a good laugh, just enough to discompose the patrons. Aficionados object; campaigns are launched against the crooked: the virtuous demand redress.” |