What Works in Stepfamilies | Creating and Maintaining Satisfying and Effective Relationships
Caroline Sanner
November 21, 2024

Caroline Sanner, Lawrence Ganong, and Marilyn Coleman
Release Date
November 21, 2024
Drawing from over 2,500 studies, Ganong, Coleman, and Sanner present a comprehensive overview of research on what works to create positive and satisfying stepfamily relationships. Chapters address how to work with stepcouples, stepparents, biological parents, co-parents, stepsiblings and half-siblings, and biological and stepgrandparents, with illustrative case studies throughout. It emphasizes the diversity and complexity of stepfamilies, including work with LGBTQ+ stepfamilies, stepfamilies from various racial and ethnic groups, and stepfamily relationships across the life course, from childrearing stepfamilies to those formed later in life.