Subtitle The Gospel in Literary Imagination
Publisher Baylor University Press
EAN/ISBN 978-1602584259
Release Date 2014-07-31
Author(s) Thomas Gardner
Summary Thomas Gardner artistically describes Jesus — “the Word made flesh” — as a poem penned by God for the world, and John — author of the Fourth Gospel — as the poem’s interpreter. John’s structural patterns, repetitions, and narrative interventions invite readers to experience for themselves the beauty of the divine poem. John in the Company of Poets deepens this invitation by re-imagining the biblical text through the eyes of such artists as Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Wendell Berry, and T. S. Eliot, offering a literary reading of the Gospel based upon their powerful poetic replies. Poets are our best readers, contends Gardner, and his deft analysis forges a fresh path into the issues and tensions of John’s Gospel.