Practicing Research in Writing Studies
November 11, 2012

Subtitle | Reflexive and Ethically Responsible Research |
Publisher | Hampton Press |
EAN/ISBN | 9781612890890, 161289089X |
Release Date | 2012 |
Editor(s) | Katrina M. Powell |
Summary | Research practices much like literacy and writing themselves are shaped by and responsive to context. Contemporary research methodologists have increasingly called upon researchers to be explicitly and systematically reflexive about their practices. As writing researchers have begun untangling the complexities of ethical research practice, new practices have developed and new issues have arisen. This volume contributes to the continuing examination and development of ethically responsible, self-reflexive and systematic research on writing. With a look toward the ways diffractive methodology can inform our self-reflexitivity, this volume highlights particular ways of looking back and forward, as ways to complicate our practices in the moment. The volume includes chapters focused on theories of research, research and institutional practices and reflexive/diffractive research practices. |