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Leadership in Integrative STEM Education

November 16, 2021

Leadership in ISTEM Education Cover
Subtitle Collaborative Strategies for Facilitating an Experiential and Student-Centered Culture

Release Date



Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 




Rachel Louise Geesa, Mary Annette Rose, Krista Marie Stith ('17, School of Education, Integrative STEM Education)


In the face of complex local and global problems, there is a critical need to prepare PK-12 students to be innovative, resilient problem-solvers and well-equipped STEM-literate citizens. With focus upon integrated content, college and career readiness, authentic problems, and action-oriented pedagogies, integrative STEM education provides a promising approach to address this challenge.

Integrative STEM programming with its fusion of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology content and practices may manifest in a variety of ways:

  • Teachers co-plan an engineering design experience within a social studies class.
  • A community business partner offers a job-shadowing experience.
  • Students engage in an after-school program at a makerspace.
  • Educators collaboratively re-envision and interweave STEM across the curriculum.

And more...

Current and future educational leaders striving to improve STEM programming will find this book to be a useful resource. Its introduction offers an orientation to the fundamental goals, principles, and practices of integrative STEM education. While later chapters delve into the facets of STEM programming and the competencies of STEM leadership which form the foundation of a coherent program. These evidence-based strategies, examples, and resources may provide inspiration to leaders as they initiate and enhance an equitable integrative STEM culture within their school.