Subtitle A Ballad Novel
Publisher St. Martin's Griffin
EAN/ISBN 031238887X
Release Date 2013-03-26
Author(s) Sharyn McCrumb (English MA ’85)
Summary The Ballad of Frankie Silver was published in a new edition by St. Martins Press early in 2013. The novel, a New York Timesbest-seller, tells the moving story of the 18-year old mountain girl who became the first woman hanged for murder in the state of North Carolina (1833.) In a little mountain cemetery in Mitchell County, North Carolina stand three graves - all belonging to the same man. Behind the legend of graves is the true story of Frankie Silver, an 18-year old frontier girl, hanged for murder in Burke County North Carolina in 1833, for a crime she might not have committed. This stirring tale of mountain justice is also a study of a frontier family, and of the contrasts between the mountain South of log cabins and trappers and the flat land South of plantations.