Release Date 2010-02-09
Publisher Candlewick/Penguin Random House
EAN/ISBN 978-0763643782
Author(s) Allan Wolf (English ’85, MFA ’88)
Summary In this coming-of-age road story with a supernatural twist, Zane Guesswind has just killed his grandfather, or so he believes. So he steals the 1969 Plymouth Barracuda his father left behind and takes off on a manic trip to his mother’s grave to kill himself. Armed with a six-pack of Mountain Dew, a jumbo pack of Sharpies, and a loaded gun in the trunk, he’s headed to Zanesville, Ohio, with no rearview mirror and no more worries. On the way, he meets Libba, a young hitchhiker who shares his destination, and other mystic and mysterious characters. With each encounter and every mile marker, Zane gets farther from the life he knows —but closer to figuring out who he really is.