Books published by Virginia Tech faculty and staff
January 6, 2023

Editor's note: The following books were authored or edited by Virginia Tech faculty and staff and published in 2022. Books are listed in alphabetical order. All information was provided by the authors or editors. Additional books may be submitted via this online form (please note that a valid Virginia Tech PID is required for entry).
'Dis-Solving Conflict from Within: An Inner Path for Conflict Transformation'
By Henry Yampolksy, assistant director for education, outreach, and conflict resolution in the Office for Equity and Accessibility
"Dis-Solving Conflict from Within" presents a new paradigm for looking at conflict. This book presents a mindfulness-based framework for understanding conflict, and more importantly, responding to conflict with strength, clarity, and ease as opposed to reacting to it with fear, avoidance, or aggression.
At once spiritually based, and yet also immensely practical, this book is relevant not just for conflict resolution professionals, but for anyone who wants to live more peacefully with the people around them. In a signature style that is both educational and funny — and always all his own — Yampolsky draws on his formal education, his life experiences, and his knowledge and acceptance that all people, no matter their beliefs, are infinitely connected. Distilling conflict down to our most basic needs as human beings leads the reader to the inevitable conclusion that we are not so different after all. While acknowledging the validity of the stories of conflicts created by humans, Yampolsky gently but firmly guides the reader to the same conclusion he has come to — that conflict can be transformed into an opportunity for growth, connection, and dialogue once we learn to turn within.
Published by Global Collective Publishers, ISBN-10:173440194X
'Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas to Guide Effective Teaching'
By Brett Jones, professor of educational psychology, School of Education
"Essentials of Educational Psychology" focuses on the big ideas that impact teaching and learning in 10 concise, conversational chapters. It offers an overview of theories and research related to learning, development, motivation, and assessment. Authentic classroom artifacts and realistic case studies provide real-world context of the principles in action. Exercises help you understand concepts by allowing you to examine your own learning experiences as a student. Clear guiding principles and research-based strategies show you how to apply the concepts as a teacher.
Published by Pearson, ISBN: 0-13-681782-3
'Expanding Field Of Architecture. Women in Practice Across the Globe'
By Marcia Feuerstein and Paola Zellner Bassett, associate professors, College of Architecture, Arts, and Design, School of Architecture + Design, and Jodi La Coe, assistant professor of architecture, Marywood University
The book documents contemporary architecture projects designed by women architects participating in diverse forms of practice in diverse regions around the world. Examining each design within its unique context, this collection of 40 projects includes beautifully illustrated case studies of transformative buildings, encompassing a range of sizes, building types, materials, and construction methods. The selected projects reveal the abundant and diverse built work led in myriad ways by women architects and designers without dwelling on the idea of "female," or the "feminine." Organized by continents, each chapter is shaped by differences in geography and culture, as well as the distinct voices of the authors in their succinct balance of words and images. Originally envisioned as a collection of projects that happen to be designed by women, the situation and variety of practices revealed much more complexity than anticipated. Overcoming historical challenges within architectural practice, the women architects in this collection lead their firms and expand the field of architecture.
Published by Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-84822-270-0
'Flying the Coop'
By Lucinda Roy, Alumni Distinguished Professor, English
"Flying the Coop," the second book of Roy's speculative slave narrative trilogy, is set in a future Disunited States, torn apart by waves of secessionism, climate change, pandemics, and a second civil war. Following their success in the annual Freedom Race, formerly enslaved “botanicals” Ji-ji Lottermule, Tiro Williamsmule, and Afarra — an outcast known as Cloth-33h/437 — have escaped from Planting 437 in rural Virginia and relocated to D.C., joining thousands of former “seeds” who flock to the city to take refuge at the feet of the statue to the Reverend Dreamer King. Having undergone a shocking and inexplicable metamorphosis, Ji-ji is now seen as an existential threat to the secessionist Territories. She lives in hiding with Afarra as the former U.S. capital tries to decide whose dreams it will invest in and whose it will defer. A fusion of harrowing realism and uplifting magic realism, "Flying the Coop" depicts what could happen if the fissures in American society continue to grow. It is a testament to the courage of those who believe in freedom as a sacred legacy that must always, whatever the cost, be handed on.
ISBN: 978-1-250-80982-7
'Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice Through Cooperative Extension'
Contributed to by Erin Ling, senior Extension associate, biological systems engineering
"Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through Cooperative Extension" grows out of a commitment to the belief that Cooperative Extension professionals can and should be deeply engaged with the communities they work in to improve life‚ individually and collectively. Rooted in an understanding of the history and development of Extension, the authors focus on contemporary efforts to address systemic inequities. They offer an alternative to the "expert" model that would have Extension educators provide information detached from the difficult and sometimes contentious issues that shape community work. These essays highlight Extension's role in and responsibility for culturally relevant community education that is rooted in democratic practices and social justice. The ultimate aim of this book is to offer a vision for the future of Extension as its practitioners continue to reach for cultural competence necessary to address issues of systemic injustice in the communities they serve and of which they are a part.
Published by Michigan State University Press, ISBN: 9781611864274
'Handbook of e-Tourism'
By Zheng Xiang, associate professor, hospitality and tourism management
"The Handbook of e-Tourism," co-edited by a group of scholars led by Feiertag HTM Associate Professor and department head Zheng Xiang, is in print published by Springer Nature. This reference book, consisting of 80 chapters with nearly 2,000 pages contributed by around 150 leading experts from around the world, provides a comprehensive view of applications of information technology in travel and tourism. It offers the theoretical and methodological foundations for further study of many issues surrounding e-Tourism such as consumer behavior, marketing, smart destinations, sustainability, policy, and ethics. It serves as a reference for researchers and students in various disciplines as well as for industry professionals.
Published by Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-3-030-48651-8
'Lost and Found in Early Irish Law: Aidbred, Heptad 64, and Muirbretha'
By Charlene Eska, professor, English
Eska presents in this book a critical edition and translation of a newly discovered early Irish legal text on lost and stolen property, "Aidbred." Although the Old Irish text itself is fragmentary, the copious accompanying commentaries provide a wealth of legal, historical, and linguistic information, thus presenting us with a complete picture of the legal procedures involved in reclaiming missing property.
Published by Brill, ISBN: 978-90-04-51284-9
'Mass Communication Law in Virginia,' Fifth Edition
By Cayce Myers, director of graduate studies and associate professor, School of Communication
This book was coauthored with another Virginia Tech faculty member Wat Hopkins and Director for the Virginia Center for Open Government Megan Rhyne. "Mass Communication Law in Virginia" brings between two covers a valuable reference to state law affecting communication professionals and students. Written for the layperson, it examines issues that occur in daily news-gathering activities, such as libel, open records, and reporter privilege. Media law is consistently evolving, and Virginia law is no exception. With timely updates covering this dynamic field, "Mass Communication Law in Virginia" will earn its place on every media professional's desk.
ISBN: 978-1581073676
'Money in Politics: Campaign Fundraising in the 2020 Presidential Election'
By Cayce Myers, director of graduate studies and associate professor, School of Communication
"Money in Politics: Campaign Fundraising in the 2020 Presidential Election" illustrates political fundraising's importance in the 2020 presidential election from the party primaries through the General Election. Myers addresses how the role of corporate donations, individual contributors, and small donorship have become political talking points. Specific attention is given to the evolution of political fundraising, including a discussion regarding super-PACs, joint fundraising committees, and campaign committees. Myers explores how modern fundraising prowess serves as a barrier to successful entry into top tier candidacy but does not necessarily guarantee victory.
ISBN: 978-1793640277
'Personal and Administrative Perspectives from the Communication Discipline during COVID-19'
Edited by Jim A. Kuypers, professor, School of Communication
This book addresses questions about the major impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human communication and the ways in which the communication discipline has been impacted by and has responded to the conditions of the pandemic. Contributors examine both the personal and the university administrative level to discuss how the pandemic and its lockdowns and transition to online learning, among other consequences, impacted specific areas of scholarship within the communication discipline. Contributors represent a number of sub-disciplines and focus on important elements they have witnessed being influenced by pandemic responses, bringing to light the unique insights about the pandemic and its effect on human communication their sub-discipline affords them. They go on to explore how the pandemic has impacted, or will impact, the teaching of their subject area and provide future suggestions for research in that area. Sub-disciplines represented include interpersonal communication, family communication, nonverbal communication, health communication, military learners, communication administrators, and instructional communication concerns.
ISBN: 978-1793643636
'Powering American Farms: The Overlooked Origins of Rural Electrification'
By Richard F. Hirsh, professor, History
The untold story of the power industry's efforts to electrify growing numbers of farms in the years before the creation of Depression-era government programs. Even after decades of retelling, the story of rural electrification in the United States remains dramatic and affecting. As textbooks and popular histories inform us, farmers obtained electric service only because a compassionate federal government established the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Rural Electrification Administration during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Read more
Published by Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN: 9781421443621
'Purgatory,' Anniversary Edition
By Jeff Mann, associate professor, English
During the Civil War, two young soldiers on opposite sides find themselves drawn together.
Published by Lethe Press, ISBN: 978-1590215326
'Research Trends in Graph Theory and Applications'
Edited by Gretchen Matthews, professor, mathematics, and director, Commonwealth Cyber Initiative in Southwest Virginia
The Workshop for Women in Graph Theory and Applications was held at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis) on Aug. 19-23, 2019. During this five-day workshop, 42 participants performed collaborative research in six teams, each focused on open problems in different areas of graph theory and its applications. The research work of each team was led by two experts in the corresponding area, who prior to the workshop, carefully selected relevant and meaningful open problems that would yield high-quality research and results of strong impact. As a result, all six teams have made significant contributions to several open problems in their respective areas. The workshop led to the creation of the Women in Graph Theory and Applications Research Collaboration Network, which provided the framework to continue collaborating and to produce this volume. This book contains six chapters, each of them on one of the different areas of research at the Workshop for Women in Graph Theory and Applications and written by participants of each team.
ISBN: 978-3030779825
'Service Denied: Marginalized Veterans in Modern American History'
Co-edited and authored by Jason Higgins, postdoctoral fellow, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Wartime military service is held up as a marker of civic duty and patriotism, yet the rewards of veteran status have never been equally distributed. Certain groups of military veterans — women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and former service members with stigmatizing conditions, bad paper discharges, or criminal records — have been left out of official histories, excised from national consciousness, and denied state recognition and military benefits. Chronicling the untold stories of marginalized veterans in the 20th and 21st centuries, "Service Denied" uncovers the generational divides, cultural stigmas, and discriminatory policies that affected veterans during and after their military service. Together, the chapters in this collection recast veterans beyond the archetype, inspiring an innovative model for veterans studies that encourages an intersectional and interdisciplinary analysis of veterans history. In addition to contributions from the volume editors, this collection features scholarship by Barbara Gannon, Robert Jefferson, Evan P. Sullivan, Steven Rosales, Heather Marie Stur, Juan Coronado, Kara Dixon Vuic, John Worsencroft, and David Kieran.
Published by University of Massachusetts Press, ISBN: 9781625346537
'Six Feet Deep Dish'
By Mindy Quigley, clinical research coordinator, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Chef Delilah O'Leary moves to the charming lakeside resort town of Geneva Bay, Wisconsin, in pursuit of pizza perfection, but she soon discovers that this millionaire's playground serves up death by the slice. Stuffed with laugh-out-loud wit, mouthwatering recipes, and one very chonky kitty, Quigley's Deep Dish Mysteries will leave readers craving another piece.
Published by Macmillan/St. Martin's Press
'Spenser's Ethics: Empire, Mutability, and Moral Philosophy in Early Modernity'
By Andrew Wadoski, assistant professor, English
Spenser's ethics offers a novel account of Edmund Spenser as a moral theorist, situating his ethics at the nexus of moral philosophy's profound transformation in the early modern era, and the English colonisation of Ireland in the turbulent 1580s and '90s. It revises a scholarly narrative describing Spenser's ethical thinking as derivative, nostalgic, or inconsistent with one that contends him to be one of early modern England's most original and incisive moral theorists, placing The Faerie Queene at the centre of the contested discipline of moral philosophy as it engaged the social, political, and intellectual upheavals driving classical virtue ethics' unravelling at the threshold of early modernity.
Published by Manchester University Press, ISBN: 978-1-5261-6543-5
'Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers,' Third Edition
By Lisa Tucker, department head, apparel, housing, and resource management
Tucker covers topics with a holistic approach, from the structural (site consideration and foundations) to the environmental (indoor air, acoustics, and safety), making a clear case for interior design professionals to understand their moral responsibilities to people, and to follow sustainable building practices. Now in its third edition, the award-winning "Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers" has been updated to reflect current CIDA accreditation standards and include recent industry trends related to interior construction, such as security and well-being. Line drawings, case studies with photo examples, and sample student work support the learning experience of this essential topic.
New to this edition:
- Updated with CIDA Standards 2020
- Expanded content on security, resilience, plumbing, and well-being design trends
ISBN: 9781501364778
'System Thinking for Instructional Designers: Catalyzing Organizational Change'
By Aaron Bond, senior director, Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies
"Systems Thinking for Instructional Designers" offers real-world cases that highlight how designers foster continuous improvement and manage change efforts across organizational contexts. Using a systems approach each case describes a holistic process that examines how a set of interdependent elements can be analyzed and coordinated to influence change. instructional designers, faculty, program directors, digital learning leaders, and other development specialists will learn how systems thinking can solve authentic, real-world challenges. The book's rich narratives cover both success and failures of meaningful growth, paradigm shifts, ad large scale problem-solving in a variety of settings, including education and industry.
ISBN: 978-0-367-90296-4
'The Risky Business of Education Policy'
By Carol A. Mullen, professor, School of Education
This work focuses commentary and analysis on some of the most pressing policy challenges facing public school educators and those invested in a healthy, vibrant public-school system. The book shares insights and makes recommendations from leading scholar-practitioners, namely from educational leadership and science education, on ways to ponder, navigate, and challenge serious policy issues. Each chapter contains stimulating ideas, useful information, and practical tips for school practitioners, higher education faculty, and constituent groups.
Published by Routledge & Kappa Delta Pi, ISBN: 13:978-0367622466
'Time Series: Modeling, Computation and Inference,' Second Edition
By Marco A. R. Ferreira, associate professor, statistics
Focusing on Bayesian approaches and computations using analytic and simulation-based methods for inference, "Time Series: Modeling, Computation, and Inference," Second Edition, integrates mainstream approaches for time series modeling with significant recent developments in methodology and applications of time series analysis. The book encompasses a graduate-level account of Bayesian time series modeling, analysis and forecasting, a broad range of references to state-of-the-art approaches to univariate and multivariate time series analysis, and contacts research frontiers in multivariate time series modeling and forecasting. The book presents overviews of several classes of models and related methodology for inference, statistical computation for model fitting and assessment, and forecasting. The book explores the connections between time- and frequency-domain approaches and develop various models and analyses using Bayesian formulations and computation, including use of computations based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods. The book illustrates the models and methods with examples and case studies from a variety of fields, including signal processing, biomedicine, environmental science, and finance.
Published by Chapman and Hall
'Unpacking School Lunch: Understanding the Hidden Politics of School Food'
By Marcus Weaver-Hightower, professor, School of Education
This book delves into the heated political battles over what kids eat at school, shedding light onto how policymakers craft food policy for schools. The book takes readers inside schools, through the history of school food programs in the United States and England, and into the policy terrain that makes school lunch difficult to change. Through diverse case studies — hungry linebackers, pink slime, English reality television and policy making, pizza as a vegetable, lunch shaming, and more — chapters provide detailed analysis of rhetorical tactics, arguments over, and policy for school feeding. The book concludes with a progressive vision of school food that is healthy, pleasurable, educative, shame-free, and, most importantly, free for all students, just like the rest of school.
Published by Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3030972875
'Vaccine Efficacy Evaluation: The Gnotobiotic Pig Model'
By Lijuan Yuan, professor of virology and immunology, biomedical sciences and pathobiology
Testing the immunogenicity, protective efficacy and safety in animal models is a crucial step in vaccine development. Pigs raised in germ-free environments, called gnotobiotic (Gn) pigs, are one of the most useful animal models for testing vaccines. The Gn pig model is a widely accepted model for studying pathogenesis and immunity and an ideal model for pre-clinical testing for the safety and efficacy of enteric viral vaccines. Through these studies and others, the Gn pig model has been established as the most reliable animal model for pre-clinical evaluation of human rotavirus and norovirus vaccines. This book provides detailed information on establishing Gn pig models, determining a proper virus inoculum pool and challenge dose, measuring protection and calculating efficacy, and delineating intestinal and systemic immune responses associated with the protection.
Published by Taylor & Francis, ISBN-13: 9780367486341