Connecting to RICOH Printers (Mac)

Installing the RICOH Printer Driver:
Step 1:
Google your printer model with the word driver after it. Example: "Ricoh mp c4504ex driver"
NOTE: Usually you will be able to select the first option that appears in the search and takes you to the website.

Step 2.
Download the driver that matches your computer OS.

Step 2.1
You can find your OS by clicking on the Apple at the top left and then selecting "About This Mac," you will then select the OS that matches yours.

Step 3:
Select download, Once download is complete, open your downloads folder and double click the driver.

Note: You may be asked to enter an admin name and password. Once you enter these credentials, select "UNLOCK."
You can then change the name of the printer to whatever is easiest for you to remember, for example: STS Printer.
Lastly, Select the drop down menu in the "USE" box, and then "SELECT SOFTWARE"

Step 4:
After clicking "Select Software," A box will appear where you will select the correct driver. Enter your Ricoh printer model, then select the one that matches your printer, select OK.

Step 5:
Once all the information is in place, select "Add"

TIP: If you get a message stating "Unable to Communicate with the Printer at this Time," try a different protocol like AirPrint or HP JetDirect (located under "address" at the top of the "add printer" area shown above.)
The printer has now been added, everything after this step is optional if you have user codes.

Adding User Codes/Making Presets:
Once the printer has been added, the next step is to enter your User Code as a preset.
Step 1:
Wherever you are printing from, select the printing option. (This example is printing from pages on Mac, you would select "File" then "Print")

Step 2:
Make sure the printer you added is selected next to "Printer," then, under "Pages," locate and select "Job Log" in the drop down menu.

NOTE: Make sure "Show Details" Is selected, that way you are able to view everything.
Step 3:
Check "Enable User Code", then type in your user code.

Step 4:
Next to "Presets," Select "Save Current Settings as Preset," this way, you won't have to insert your user code each time.

Step 5:
Name the preset with a relevant name such as "Code", make sure "Only this printer" is selected, then select "OK"

Step 6:
After all of the necessary information is en

You can now print to RICOH from your Mac!
Helpful Tips:
- When printing to a RICOH Copier that requires user codes, make sure that the preset you created is selected.
- When using codes to print Adobe Acrobat files you need to click Printer, then Print from the Dialogue box that has your Code Preset saved and then click Print again.
- If you are printing from a browser, you need to make sure to print from the System Dialogue Box from Chrome or Firefox that has your Code preset displayed, otherwise the printer will reject it. Usually there is an option at the bottom of the print screen that gives you the option to print using the System Dialogue Box instead of the built in browser interface.
- If the printer is making noise when a job is sent to it, but it isn't printing check to see if the user has permissions to print in color. Then check in the drop down boxes on the Print Dialogue Box to ensure that "Color" isn't enabled. Ricoh does not automatically print color jobs in black and white, but instead just cancels the job if the user doesn't have the correct permissions.