Brian Britt recognized for outstanding faculty leadership
April 19, 2022

Brian Britt, a professor in the Department of Religion and Culture, has earned membership in the Academy of Faculty Leadership. Through the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the academy honors exemplary contributions of faculty members in areas of leadership.
Britt earned membership based on his impact on the Virginia Tech community through formal and informal leadership roles in the Department of Religion and Culture, in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and across the university. He directed the religious studies program, for example, until a college reorganization changed the nature of the Interdisciplinary Studies Department (the precursor to the Department of Religion and Culture). He also chaired the Department of Religion and Culture from 2013 to 2018.
More recently, during a transitional time, he led the School of Performing Arts as interim director. He also chaired the Department of Religion and Culture’s Mentoring Committee and the college’s Promotion and Tenure Committee.
“His greatest leadership contributions center on his desire to support colleagues and advance their academic careers,” his nomination noted. “He gives his time generously and selflessly to support those around him.”
Faculty nominated for membership in the Academy of Faculty Leadership must have shown exemplary leadership in formal or informal roles within the university and through activities and approaches that significantly advance a culture of collaborative leadership. They must also have promoted faculty, staff, and/or student development; advanced program or curricular transformation; and made a notable and demonstrable positive impact within the university community.
Britt was one of two Virginia Tech professors to earn membership into the Academy of Faculty Leadership this year. Glenda Scales, associate dean for global engagement, chief technology officer, and director of Engineering Online in the College of Engineering, was also honored.
Two other faculty members — Ed Lener, associate director of collection management for University Libraries, and Holli Gardner Drewry, digital content strategist in Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) — were honored with membership in another academy administered by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: the Academy of Faculty Service.
“Virginia Tech’s reputation and strengths as an institution are built upon the selfless service and leadership found throughout our faculty community,” said Executive Vice President and Provost Cyril Clarke. “Our students benefit not only from the outstanding instruction and support provided by these faculty, but also from witnessing firsthand their advocacy in support of and commitment to teaching, research, and service. Congratulations to each of these new members of the Academy of Faculty Leadership and Academy of Faculty Service, and thank you for the example you set for our entire university.”
Written by Dave Guerin