Russian Area Studies Minor

What You'll Study
To earn a minor in Russian area studies, students must complete six approved courses in history, political science, religion and culture, modern languages and literatures, or English, including a senior essay written under the direction of a faculty member.
If you are preparing for graduate study or planning a career in government service, international business, journalism, teaching, or development work, we strongly encourage you to pursue a minor in Russian language as well.
18 hrs
Total Credit Hours
Beyond the Classroom
Experiential Learning
Going there to experience it person. Each year, the Russian Language Program takes a group of students abroad in conjunction with ROTC Project GO. In 2013, sophomore Courtney Howell and seven fellow Hokies took courses in Russian language and customs and saw famous sights. Courtney drew on these experiences when she did research for her Soviet History course blog.

Students in Dr. Amy Nelson's Soviet History course used databases and open web sources to create and curate digital portfolios on topics of their choosing, such as the Space Race and Eastern Orthodoxy. The results of their semester-long research projects were displayed in an exhibition in Newman Library.

Contact Us
If you have questions about pursuing a Russian area studies minor, please contact:
Tom Ewing