Tech for Humanity Minor

What You'll Study
The courses in the Tech for Humanity minor focus on the study of humanistic issues with technology. Adding human perspectives to a solid base of scientific knowledge empowers one to see the practical and impractical uses of today’s technologies. Throughout the Tech for Humanity minor, a human-centered approach to technology complements technical skills coursework already in the university curriculum. This approach ensures an appropriate focus and context while students explore the various impacts technology has, for better or worse, in their work and lives.
Students enrolled in technical fields will benefit from the humanistic context provided by this minor, and students in humanistic fields will be able to explore the intersections of humanistic work with new technological developments. This minor is designed to benefit students in any degree program at Virginia Tech by providing them with a comprehensive, humanistic understanding of technology for the practical application and use of technology for overall personal and social good.
18 hrs
Total Credit Hours
Contact Us
If you have questions about pursuing a tech for humanity minor, please contact:
Dr. Carlos Evia