News2Note, the academic newsletter of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, is published monthly during the academic year by Debra Stoudt, associate dean for policy and faculty affairs.

The most recent issue, from May, is currently available on the College’s Academic News page, which also archives previous issues since 2017; the archive is located below the most recent issue.  Back issues from February 2008 through May 2023 are available on VTechWorks

The submission deadlines for 2024–2025 are:

  • August issue               Friday, July 26
  • September issue          Tuesday, August 27
  • October issue              Wednesday, September 25
  • November issue          Monday, October 28
  • December issue           Monday, November 25
  • January issue               Monday, December 23
  • February issue            Monday, January 27
  • March issue                 Tuesday, February 25
  • April issue                   Tuesday, March 25
  • May issue                    Monday, May 5

Items submitted after the deadline will be included in the next issue.

For faculty, staff, and departments, schools, and programs in general, the following items are being solicited:

  • Publications when published.  Please include page numbers for article and chapters.  To avoid repetition and to provide a complete reference, pre-publications online will not be announced; rather, the publication will be noted when the print version appears.
  • Conference presentations with current Virginia Tech students
  • Keynote or plenary presentations only, not invited speakers in general
  • Awards, grants, honors, and other accomplishments of note.*

For current students:

  • Conference presentations (papers or posters) and publications, either accepted or published
  • Awards, grants, honors, and other accomplishments of note*

*“Of note” is left to the discretion of the submitter and the News2Note editorial staff.

If the item includes names of individuals not in your unit, please identify them. Please also identify the status of all Virginia Tech individuals named, including faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduates.

Submissions and questions should be sent to Debra Stoudt at