
- Enrolled full-time as a student at Virginia Tech (full-time status is 12 credit hours for undergraduate studies, 9 for graduate studies).
- Be a member of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets.
- Have at least 3 academic years remaining (6 semesters) until degree completion.
- Have a cumulative GPA above a 2.0 (excluding incoming freshmen).
- Be between 18 and 39 years of age at graduation (18 and 33* if pursuing a rated career field).
- Must meet and remain within Air Force body mass index (BMI)/ body fat (BF) standards.
- Must be a U.S. citizen by your AS 300 year (typically junior year).
* Waivers are available for up to 35 years of age if pursung a rated career field.
This list is not exhaustive, for more information on your specific situation please contact our detachment or click the link below for more information from AFROTC.
Air Force ROTC has a close relationship with the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, Virginia Tech's military leadership development organization. The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets is the continuation of Virginia Tech's proud tradition as a Senior Military College.
To be in Air Force ROTC at Virginia Tech you must also be a member of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets.
For more information on the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, including how to visit, please see the attached links.
If you are interested in getting a tour of Detachment 875, please reach out to our Recruiting Officer, Capt David Carlson at (540) 231-8021. If there isn’t an answer, please leave a voicemail or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Visitors by appointment only. Please use the contact information above to set-up an appointment, even if it is last minute.
A requirement to commission as an officer into the United States Air Force or the United States Space Force is to have obtained a bachelor's degree. With Virginia Tech offering over 150 different undergraduate majors, you are bound to find one that you will fall in love with. Explore academic opportunities that our univeristy offers below!
Will I have to wear a uniform? How often?
As a member of the Corps of Cadets you can expect to wear a uniform (either a Corps of Cadets or ROTC uniform) 5 days a week during business hours, from 0700-1700 Monday through Thursday and 0700-1400 on Friday. Freshmen usually wear uniforms at all times. All AFROTC Cadets will wear their Air Force uniforms to some or all of the weekly Air Force obligations, including Air Force class, Air Force Leadership Laboratory, and physical training.
Where will I live?
Members of the Corps live together in Corps of Cadets dorms for all 4 years of college. These dorms are some of the newest and nicest on campus and are specifically designed for cadet training. If you take a fifth year to complete your degree and Air Force ROTC program you can choose to live off-campus.
Will I have mandatory exercise/ physical fitness standards?
All AFROTC cadets nationwide are held to physical fitness standards, and cadets at Det 875 are no exception. You can view the physical fitness standards expected of all our cadets here. To meet these standards, all cadets take a 1 credit hour physical fitness course each semester. Cadets conduct physical exercise two times a week from 0800-0915 with other Air Force cadets in this course. Cadets are strongly encouraged to workout outside this class as well. In addition, once a semester, cadets take a graded physical fitness assessment (PFA) to gauge their fitness levels and determine if they meet the standards that Air Force officers are held to.
Will I have mandatory summer training?
Yes, each cadet must graduate from a 21-day long evaluation called Field Training. Field Training is held over the summer, usually between sophomore and junior year. All cadets must also complete two Officer Development Trainings (ODTs), one as an during your Freshmen or Sophomore year (AS 100/200) and another during your Junior or Senior year (AS 300/400). Depending on the ODT, you may be required to participate over the summer. There are a plethora of additional opportunities available to cadets that you can read more about here.
How will I get to practice and develop leadership skills?
Developing leadership skills is the central focus of both our ROTC program and the Corps of Cadets. AFROTC is set up so that upper class junior and senior year cadets are given the responsibility to train the freshmen and sophomores. This allows for constant, 24/7 leadership development training; both for those who are learning and for those who are teaching. This training often (but not solely) takes place during our 1 credit Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) class. With this design, cadets spend their entire four or five years first learning how to follow and then learning how to lead by teaching and mentoring in various cadet leadership roles. In addition, cadets organize and execute all operations for the detachment, from physical training and leadership laboratory classes to training events like our field exercises. Each of these events requires strong leadership and therefore offers additional chances for many cadets to practice practical planning and execution.
On the flip side, in the Corps of Cadets, cadets are living in a leader development organization. Cadets enter, as freshmen, and learn followership skills over the course of the year, much like the skills enlisted personnel are taught during their time at basic training. Furthermore, there is a strong focus on time management, teamwork, academic success, and discipline during their freshman year. Once cadets finish their freshman year and transition to upperclassmen, they have a wide array of leadership opportunities available to them through different positions they can hold. Each unit within the Corps of Cadets utilizes sophomores, juniors, and seniors in various roles to ensure the success of operations such as marching to football games, freshmen training, unit events, and more. Living in the Corps of Cadets barracks offers cadets a unique opportunity to practice leadership as much as they want for their 4 years in college.
How much time does AFROTC take up?
The amount of time AFROTC takes depends on many factors, including when you join the program, how much time you decide to invest in it, and what leadership positions you hold. Most cadets can expect to take 3 AFROTC classes each semester: an academic class taught by the Active Duty Air Force Officers at Virginia Tech, a physical training course, and a leadership laboratory. The academic classes taught by the Officers for junior and senior year cadets meet more often than the freshman and sophomore level classes. For more information on what your particular situation may look like, please contact us!
I am already in college, can I still join?
Incoming students need to have at least 6 semesters remaining of undergraduate courses. This usually applies to freshmen or sophomores (juniors on a case-by-case basis, but we usually suggest juniors look into Air Force OTS). Freshmen must spend 4 years in the program to receive a commission into the Air Force, and sophomores must spend 3 years in the program.
Are there AFROTC student organizations?
Yes, at Detachment 875 we have 5 student organizations: Air Force Flyers, Air Force Special Operations Preparatory Team, Robert Femoyer Service Squadron, Space Training Advancement and Readiness Squadron, and Strategic Wargaming and Resource Management. Anyone in the detachment can join any of these organizations. To read more about each organization, please click here.
Can I join college organizations outside AFROTC?
Yes, cadets are encouraged to diversify their college experience by joining some of the many organizations outside of AFROTC that are available for students at Virginia Tech, whether that be a Corps Organization, a University organization, Greek life, intramurals, research, club sports, etc. For more information on student organizations, you can check here.
Can I play collegiate sports?
Yes, cadets are permitted to participate in collegiate, and varsity-level sports, but must coordinate with the detachment cadre accordingly.
Can I get a tour of Detachment 875?
If you are interested in getting a tour of Detachment 875, please reach out to our Recruiting Officer, Capt David Carlson at (540) 231-8021. If there isn’t an answer, please leave a voicemail or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Visitors by appointment only. Please use the contact information above to set-up an appointment, even if it is last minute.
Will I experience hazing?
Absolutely not. The Air Force ROTC curriculum has been thoroughly vetted and scrutinized to ensure no aspect forces members through anything that could be considered hazing. In addition, all events are supervised by active duty Air Force members who ensure cadets are following operations exactly as intended. It is important to know that all cadets are training to be military members, and as such training can be physically and mentally demanding at times, but training of this nature always has a clearly communicated purpose and is planned in advance to mitigate as much risk as possible.
Will AFROTC be my major?
No, as a cadet you are expected to choose one of the many majors offered by Virginia Tech. To see a list of majors, please click here. Your major is up to you to decide.
Can I get a minor for AFROTC?
Yes. As a result of all the AFROTC classes taken throughout your cadet career and a few additional Corps of Cadets courses, upon completion of the program and graduation from Virginia Tech, you will likely be awarded a leadership minor, a well-deserved addition to an already competitive resume for sure!
What classes will I take? How often do they meet?
You can expect to take a 1 credit physical training class that meets two days a week, a 1 credit Leadership Laboratory class that meets once a week, and a 1 credit class taught by your cadre during your freshmen and sophomore years that meets once a week. This 1-hour class shifts to a 3 credit hour class during your junior and senior years that meets twice a week. For more information on classes, please click here.
Who teaches AFROTC classes?
AFROTC classes are taught by the Active Duty Air Force Officers at Virginia Tech. Each year you will have a different cadre instructor.
Do I get paid to be in AFROTC?
You will not receive a salary as active duty military members would, but if you are on scholarship you can receive a monthly stipend, money to cover book fees, and money to cover your undergraduate tuition.
How much money will I get from a scholarship and stipend?
How much of your tuition a scholarship will cover depends on what type of scholarship you receive and whether you are attending Virginia Tech in state or out of state. There are 2 types of scholarships: type 1 and 2. To read more about scholarships for high school, college and enlisted airmen, please click here. The amount you make from your monthly stipend depends on your academic year. Freshmen - $300, Sophomores - $350, Juniors - $450, Seniors - $500.
When should I apply for a high school scholarship?
Apply Early! The application window typically opens in July and closes in December of your Senior year of High School. Ex: Apply in 2025 to start as a Freshman in Fall 2026
What is the application process like?
During the application process you can expect to report your GPA, transcript, and civil involvements and drug/alcohol usage. In addition you will need to take a physical fitness assessment in the presence of an examiner. If you are eligible to compete for a scholarship, you may be scheduled for an in-person or virtual interview. For more information, please click here.
If I don't apply as a high school student, what are my options?
If you do not apply as a high school student, you have the opportunity to compete for scholarships once you are in the Air Force ROTC unit. Many of our cadets have received scholarships after arriving at college and starting our program. Currently, 91% of all Junior and Senior Cadets are on scholarship.
Is it guaranteed that I will get a scholarship?
No, there is no guarantee that you will get a scholarship. If you are not awarded a high school scholarship, there are opportunities in-college to compete for a scholarship. In addition, any non-scholarship cadets who complete Field Training (usually between sophomore and junior year), will be awarded the Charles McGee Leadership Award, a 2-year $18,000/yr scholarship.
What makes me more competitive for a scholarship?
To be more competitive for a scholarship you want to try and exceed the standards that the Air Force has of its ROTC cadets. You want to strive to be a high-achieving individual; academically, physically, morally, mentally, etc. In addition, you want to be as engaged and involved as possible with the program if you arrive without a scholarship. Lastly, be yourself. We want officers in our Air Force who are honest, lead with integrity, embody service and strive for excellence. If you do your best and help your wingmen as much as you can, your efforts will be noticed and rewarded.
How many students at Detachment 875 are on scholarship?
Currently, 43% of our cadets are on scholarship. Among them, 11% are freshmen or sophomores, while 91% of juniors, seniors, and fifth-year cadets are on scholarship.
Does joining AFROTC mean I'm joining the military?
By joining Air Force ROTC you are not inherently joining the military. The moment you accept any scholarship offer or graduate from Field Training, you are committing to serve at least 4 years depending on your job.
How do I become a pilot? (Do a lot of Virginia Tech cadets become pilots?)
Over the past 3 years, Det 875 has had a 81% selection rate for rated positions such as Pilot, CSO, ABM, and RPA. The path to becoming a pilot can be confusing, luckily we have the Air Force Flyers organization that is focused on clarifying and simplifying the entire process. For more information on how to become a pilot please click here.
I don’t want to fly, what other jobs are available to me?
There are an incredible amount of jobs offered by the United States Air Force and Space Force. All are crucial for mission success and require talented officers. Jobs range from special forces, military police, weather specialists to aircraft maintenance, logistics, public affairs, personnel, judges, and more. For a complete listing of jobs in the Air Force, also known as Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs), please click here. For information on Space Force careers, please see below.
Does being prior enlisted mean that I can skip some of the program?
If you have 180 or more days of consecutive military service, you will be accredited 4 semesters’ worth of military training. This accreditation essentially excuses you from GMC training (freshmen/ sophomore year training), but you must still attend field training and meet all requirements/standards. Academic timeline/Date of Graduation and Commissioning will be discussed further in depth once enrolled in AFROTC.
What will my rank be when I finish the program?
Once you complete Air Force ROTC you will commission as a Second Lieutenant into the World’s Greatest Air Force or Space Force!
I want to serve in the Space Force, how can I get there?
The Space Force is in its early stages of development. Cadets desiring to join the U.S. Space Force will apply and compete for selection at the end of their sophomore year. If selected, upon graduation and commissioning, all USSF 2d Lts will attend a nationwide training in Colorado Springs, CO where they will be assigned their Space Force Specialty Code (SFSC) upon completion. There are currently five career fields or SFSCs in the Space Force: 13S - Space Operations, 14N - Intelligence, 17S – Cyberspace Effects Operations, 62E – Developmental Engineer, and 63A – Acquisition Manager.

Air Force ROTC Detachment 875
355 Old Turner Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Phone: (540) 231-6404
Fax: (540) 231-3331
DSN: 931-1110 Ext 231-6404
E-mail us at: