Call for Proposals
The theme for this year’s conference is:
“This is Home: Cultivating Community at the Center.”
Our theme hopes to invite thoughts in a post-pandemic world where we can begin to grow and branch into new areas, while still maintaining our Comm Center's sense of community. We encourage ideas ranging from how coaches, administrators, and other staff members might make the center a strong community. How does your center, or your practices, help create a sense of belonging? We invite discussion not only for those that work there, but clients as well.
All submissions are due by Feb. 17, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Interactive Training Workshop Proposals
We seek proposals from individuals or groups for 50 to 60-minute face-to-face interactive teaching and learning programs that speak to the conference theme. All workshops will be scheduled to take place in Blacksburg at the physical conference.
Submission Guidelines:
- Proposals must be sent to by February 17, 2023.
- Please include "NACC Training Workshop" in subject line.
Workshop proposals must include:
- Title
- Presenter’s name(s) & affiliation(s)
- Brief description of the content to be covered
- Brief rationale which connects workshop to the conference theme
- Brief description of planned activities
- Intended NACC audience (student tutors, directors, those in the start-up planning stage, or some combination)
If a proposal is accepted, registration will be required.
Discussion Panel Proposals
We seek proposals for 50-60 minute round tables or other discussion-focused presentations to take place at the conference. Panel submissions must speak to the conference theme of Cultivating Community at the Center.
Submission Guidelines:
- Proposals must be sent to by February 17, 2023.
- Please include "NACC Discussion Panel" in subject line.
Workshop proposals must include:
- Title
- Presenter’s name(s) & affiliation(s)
- Brief description of the panel
- Brief rationale which connects panel to the conference theme
- Intended NACC audience (student tutors, directors, those in the start-up planning stage, or some combination)
If a proposal is accepted, registration will be required.
G.I.F.T. Panels
A special slot(s) for GIFT presentations will be included at the 2023 conference (based on interest). Individuals and small groups are encouraged to share unique, novel, and/or effective approaches to communication center work. Is there something that your center does or uses that you think the rest of us would find useful or interesting? Please share that with our community!
Please submit a title for the GIFT with a 100-150 word abstract to by February 17, 2023. Please include "NACC GIFT Panel" in subject line.
Non-Competitive Papers
We seek authors to present original communication center research papers, not intended for competition. Submissions can be written by individuals or groups.
Submission Guidelines:
- Proposals must be sent to by February 17, 2023.
- Please include "NACC NC Paper" in subject line.
- Final papers must be ready for presentation in March.
Submissions must include:
- Title
- Presenter’s name(s) & affiliation(s)
- Abstract
- Indicate if the proposal is for a face-to-face paper presentation or if you will connect via Zoom.
If a proposal for a paper presentation is accepted, registration will be required.
Excellence in the Center Student Essays
Student staff members (Tutors, Consultants, Peer Educators, Coaches) working in communication centers are invited to submit an Excellence in the Center essay.
Manuscript submissions for these single-authored essays should be 800-1000 words and should build on arguments rooted in literature while offering new approaches, interpretations, or extensions of communication center consulting practices.
Submission Guidelines:
- The abstract must be sent to by February 17, 2023.
- Please include "NACC Student Essay" in the subject line.
- The final essay must be ready for presentation in March.
Submissions must include:
- Title
- Student Presenter’s name
- Abstract
- Indicate if the proposal is for a face-to-face paper presentation or if you will connect via Zoom.
If a proposal is accepted, registration will be required.
Student Case Studies
We seek student authors to present their original communication center case studies and facilitate their case study discussion at the conference. Submissions can be written by individuals or groups. Penn State’s Case Writing Guide is encouraged to ensure continuity.
Submission Guidelines:
- The abstract must be sent to by February 17, 2023.
- Please include "NACC Student Case Study" in subject line
- The final case study must be ready for presentation in March.
Submissions must include:
- Title
- Presenter’s name(s) & affiliation(s)
- Abstract
- Indicate if the proposal is for a face-to-face paper presentation or if you will connect via Zoom.
If a proposal is accepted, registration will be required.
Case Studies in Center Administration
We seek faculty and administrators to present their original communication center case studies in administration and facilitate their case study discussion at the conference. Submissions can be written by individuals or groups. Penn State’s Case Writing Guide is recommended to ensure continuity.
Submission Guidelines:
- The abstract must be sent to by February 17, 2023.
- Please include "NACC Admin Case Study" in subject line.
- The final case study must be ready for presentation in March.
Submissions must include:
- Title
- Presenter’s name(s) & affiliation(s)
- Abstract
- Indicate if the proposal is for a face-to-face paper presentation or if you will connect via Zoom.
If a proposal is accepted, registration will be required.