Kitchen and Bath Design
Beamish, J. Parrott, K. Emmel, J., & Peterson. (2013). Kitchen Planning: Guidelines, Codes and Standards (2nd edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Beamish, J. Parrott, K., & Emmel, J. (2013). Instructor’s Manual for Kitchen Planning (2e). (password protected site).
Parrott, K., Beamish, J., Emmel, J., & Peterson, M.J. (2013). Bathroom Planning: Guidelines, Codes, and Standards (2nd edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Parrott, K., Beamish, J., & Emmel, J. (2013). Instructor’s Manual for Bathroom Planning (2e). (password protected site).
Beamish, J. Parrott, K. Emmel, J., & Peterson. (2006). Kitchen Planning: Guidelines, Codes and Standards. Hackettstown, NJ: National Kitchen and Bath Association.
Parrott, K., Beamish, J., Emmel, J., & Peterson, M.J. (2006). Bathroom Planning: Guidelines, Codes, and Standards. Hackettstown, NJ: National Kitchen and Bath Association.
Kitchen and Bath Design
Parrott, K., Beamish, J. (2018). Kitchen and Bathroom Design in the United States and Canada (Chapter 17). In Katrin B. Anacker, Andrew Carswell, Sarah Kirby (Ed.), Introduction to Housing, Second Edition. University of Georgia Press.
Residential Design
Goss, R., Beamish, J. (2017. Influences on Housing Choice. In Anacker, K.B., Carswell, A. & Kirby, S (Ed.), Introduction to Housing, second edition. University of Georgia Press.
Parrott, K. & Atiles, J. (2017). Home environments and health. In Katrin B. Anacker, Andrew Carswell, & Sarah Kirby (Ed.), Introduction to Housing, Second Edition. (Chapter 19). University of Georgia Press.
Beamish, J. O., Parrott, K., & Emmel, J. (2013). Case Study: The Center for Real Life Kitchen Design. In Null, R. Universal Design: Principles and Models (pp. 66-71). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Beamish, J. O. Goss, R. & Emmel, J. (2006). Influences on housing choice and behavior. In Merrill, J.L., Crull, S.R., Tremblay, K.R. Jr., Tyler, L.L., & Carswell, A.T. (Eds.), Introduction to housing (pp. 25-53). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Parrott, K. R., Atiles, J. H., & Vogel, M. P. (2006). Home environments and health. In Merrill, J.L., Crull, S.R., Tremblay, K.R. Jr., Tyler, L.L., & Carswell, A.T. (Eds.), Introduction to Housing (pp. 55-86). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Parrott, K. (2003). Healthy indoor air. In Miller, J. R., Lerner, R. M., Schiamberg, L. B., & Anderson, P. M. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Ecology, Volume I. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 350-353.
Parrott, K. (1999). Shopping for a home. In American Homeowner Education and Counseling Institute, Core curriculum: National standards for homeowner educators and housing counselors. Washington, DC: Author. pp. 5-1 – 5-44.Parrott, K. (1999). Instructional module: Combustion pollutants in the home. In M. Vogel & K. McMindes (Ed.) Healthy indoor air for America’s homes: A training and reference manual for state program managers and community educators (3rd edition). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Service,(pp. 10-1 – 10-9).
Parrott, K. (1999). Instructional module: Hidden environmental hazards for the home remodeler. In M. Vogel & K. McMindes (Ed.) Healthy indoor air for America’s homes: A training and reference manual for state program managers and community educators (3rd edition). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Service, pp. 12-1 – 12-12.
Parrott, K. (1999). Instructional module: Household products. In M. Vogel & K. McMindes (Ed.) Healthy indoor air for America’s homes: A training and reference manual for state program managers and community educators (3rd edition). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Service, pp. 13-1 – 13-10.
Parrott, K. & Guevin, J. (1999). Instructional module: Secondhand smoke. In M. Vogel & K. McMindes (Ed.) Healthy indoor air for America’s homes: A training and reference manual for state program managers and community educators (3rd edition). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Service, pp. 12-1 – 12-12.
Ponessa, J. & Parrott, K. (1999). IAQ facts for the community educator. In M. Vogel & K. McMindes (Ed.) Healthy indoor air for America’s homes: A training and reference manual for state program managers and community educators (3rd edition). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Service.
Parrott, K. (1998). Volatile organic compounds. In C. F. Garofalo (Ed.) Builders, remodelers and indoor air quality. Washington, DC: Home Builders Institute, National Association of Home Builders, pp. 4-1 – 4-18.
Older Adults
Koh, S.-H., Lee, S., Hwang, E., Brossoie, N., Beamish, J., Kim, K., Lee, S., Koh, B. (2014). Age Friendly Jeju Index Development. Jeju, South Korea: Jeju Development Institute. [Technical report. Published in Korean]
Kitchen and Bath Design
Andes, G., & Beamish, J.O. (2008). Development and application of the Supportive Bathroom Features Checklist in homes designed for retired persons. Housing and Society. 35 (2), 139-169.
Parrott, K. Beamish, J., Emmel, J. & Lee, S. (2008). Kitchen remodeling: Exploring the “Dream Kitchen” projects. Housing and Society. 35 (2), 25-42.
Ahn, M., Parrott, K.R., Beamish, J.O., & Emmel, J.M. (2008) Kitchen space planning in small-scale houses. Housing and Society. 35 (20) 83-96.
Andes, G., & Beamish, J.O. (2006). Development and Application of the Supportive Kitchen Features Checklist. Housing and Society, 32 (2), 119-144.
Parrott, K., Beamish, J., & Emmel, J. (2006). Rethinking the guidelines for kitchen storage. Housing and Society, 32 (2), 43-61.
Emmel, J.M., Beamish, J.O, & Parrott, K.R. (2006). Kitchen activities of 21st century households. Housing and Society, 32 (2), 5-19.
Emmel, J., Parrott, K., & Beamish, J. (2003). Dishwashing and water conservation, an opportunity for environmental education. Journal of Extension. 41, (1).
Emmel, J.M., Parrott, K., Beamish, J. (2003). Technology and dishwashers: Are users still wasting water? Canadian Home Economics Journal. 52 (2).
Parrott, K., Emmel, J.M., Beamish, J. (2003). Use of kitchen ventilation: Impact on indoor air quality. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. 8 (1).
Beamish, J., Emmel, J., Parrott, K. (2003). Building on Heritage: The Center for Real Life Kitchen Design. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 95 (2). 44-51.
Residential Design
Parrott, K., Lee, S. J., Giddings, V., Robinson, S., & Brown, G. (in press). Educational Needs and Opportunities with Aging Adults: Listening to Limited Resource Elderly Homeowners. Journal of Extension.
Kwon, H. J., Lee, H. -J., & Beamish, J. O. (2016). US Boomers' Lifestyle and Residential Preferences for Later Life. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 15(2), 255-262.
Lee, S.-J., Parrott, K. & Ahn, M. (2014). Housing adequacy: A wellbeing indicator for elderly households in Southern U.S. communities. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 42(3), 235-251. doi: 10.1111/fcsr.12058.
Parrott, K.R., Mitchell, K.J., Emmel, J.M., & Beamish, J.O. (2011). If you could be in charge: Students’ ideas for promoting sustainability in housing. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35, 265-271.
Lee, S.J., & Parrott, K. (2010). Housing satisfaction of Asian and Pacific island elders in the United States. Housing and Society, 37(2), 185-205.
Lee, J., Beamish, J., & Goss, R. (2008). Location preference of multifamily housing residents. Housing and Society, 35 (1), 41-58.
Lee, H.J., Goss, C., & Beamish, J.O. (2007). Influences of lifestyle on housing preferences of multifamily housing residents. Housing and Society. 34 (1), 11-30.
Beamish, J. O., Ahn, M., & Seiling, S. (2001). Housing, equipment, and design research and scholarship: A family and consumer science perspective. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 30 (2), 240-255.
Beamish, J. O., Goss, R. C., & Emmel, J. (2001). Lifestyle influences on housing preferences. Housing and Society. 28(1&2). 1-28.
Beamish, J. O., Goss, R. C., Atiles, J. H., & Kim, Y. (2001). Not a trailer anymore: Perceptions of manufactured housing in rural Virginia. Housing Policy Debate, 12(2).373-392.
Atiles, J. H., Goss, R. C., & Beamish, J. O. (1998). Community attitudes toward manufactured housing in Virginia. Housing and Society, 25 (3), 1-22.
Older Adults
Kwon, H., Beamish, J. (2013). Older adults in multifamily housing: Residential satisfaction and intention to move. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 42(1) 40-54.
Ahn, M., Beamish, J.O., & Goss, R. C. (2008). Understanding older adults’ attitudes and adoption of residential technologies. Family and Consumer Science Research Journal. 243-260.
Goss, R.C., & Beamish, J.O. (2007). Assisted living facilities: Best practices in design and management. Seniors Housing and Care Journal. 15 (1), 89-104.
Reynolds, S. G., & Beamish, J. O. (2003). Residential satisfaction of older adults in age-segregated facilities. Housing and Society. 30 (1), 33-49.
People with Disabilities
Seameah, L.M., Beamish, J. O., Schember, T.O., & Cook, L. H., (2016). The Rental Housing Needs and Experiences f Veterans with Disabilities. Administration and Society,
Kitchen and Bath Design
Emmel, J.M., Beamish, J. & Parrott, K. (2006). Consumers and their kitchens: Recent research and trends. Proceedings of the 57th International Appliance Technical Conference. (pp. 420-432).
Emmel, J. M., Parrott, K. R., Beamish, J. O., & Lovingood, R. P. (2001). An analysis of household dishwasher usage and satisfaction. Proceedings of the International Appliance Technical Conference. (pp. 117-129).
Nagarajan, A., Lovingood, R. P., Beamish, J. O., & Parrott, K. R. (1999). Adoption of microwave ovens among a sample of older adults in Blacksburg, Virginia. Proceedings, 50th Annual International Appliance Technical Conference, (pp. 300-310).
DeMerchant, E. A., Lovingood, R. P., Arnold, J., Leech, I., Parrott, K.R., & Beamish, J.O. (1998). Categories of cooking style that explain energy consumption with cooking systems using electricity. Proceedings of the International Appliance Technical Conference, (pp. 75-86).
Residential Design
Hwang, E., Parrott, K., Kwon, H. J. (2015). “Learning contracts in residential design classes”. Seoul, South Korea: Asia Pacific Network of Housing Research (APNHR). Journal of Korean Housing Association International Conference Proceedings, pp. 323-326.
Andes, G., Parrott, K., Mollet, J., & Chen-Yu, H. (2001). The effect of carpet fiber on the growth of dermatophagiodes farinae (house-dust mites) in a controlled environment. In IAQ 2001 Moisture, Microbes and Health Effects: Indoor Air Quality and Moisture in Buildings. Atlanta, GA: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), pp. 1-9.
Parrott, K., Vogel, M., Seifert, R., Ponessa, J., Laquatra, J., Bode, M., Burwell, C., Wysocki, J., & Guevin, J. (1999). Healthy Indoor Air for America’s Homes: A model national public education program. Proceedings of Indoor Air 99, The 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, volume 4, pp. 555-560.
Kitchen and Bath Design
Parrott, K., Hopkins, E., Beamish, J., & Carneal, M. (2016). Multifamily sustainable kitchen design project. In G. Peek, & A. Carswell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, (pp. 43-45).
Parrott, K. (2015). Service learning at Virginia Tech: Community kitchens design case study. In. Anacker, K. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2015 HERA Conference: Refereed Abstracts, pp. 83-85.
Parrott, K., Beamish, J., Emmel, J., Peterson, M. J. (2013). Focus on sustainability issues in the education of kitchen and bath design professionals. In Peek, G, & Trucotte, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of 2013 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 108-109).
Ahn, M., Parrott, K. Beamish, J. & Emmel, J. (2006). Kitchen space planning in small-scale houses. In Memken, J. (Ed.) HERA’S 40th Anniversary: Celebrating Our Past with a Look to the Future, 2006 Housing Education and Research Association Conference Proceedings. 96-99.
Beamish, J. O., Emmel, J., Parrott, K., & Lee, H.J. (2006). Universal design in dream kitchens. In Memken, J. (Ed.) HERA’S 40th Anniversary: Celebrating Our Past with a Look to the Future, 2006 Housing Education and Research Association Conference Proceedings. 107-109.
Parrott, K., Emmel, J., & Beamish, J. (2004). A nation of packrats: Rethinking the design guidelines for kitchen storage. Housing Education and Research Association Annual Conference Abstracts, 73-75.
Parrott, K., Beamish. & Emmel, J. (2004). Eating and Sociability: Research in the kitchens for small-scale housing. In Hulchanski, J.D., Murdie, R.A., & Campsie, P. (Eds.). Adequate and Affordable Housing for All: International Housing Conference. 74-75
Parrott, K. R., Emmel, J., & Beamish, J. O. (2001). Someone's in the kitchen…, American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference Abstracts, 57-61.
Emmel, J., Beamish, J., & Parrott, K. (2001). Dishwashing practices and water usage. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Abstracts. (Published electronically at
Beamish, J. O., Parrott, K. R., & Emmel, J. M. (2000). Teaching universal design in the Center for Real Life Kitchen Design. Designing for the 21st Century: International Conference on Universal Design. (Published electronically at
Beamish, J. O., Emmel, J., & Parrott, K. R. (1999). The Center for Real Life Kitchen Design: Unique experiential learning space. Defining Learning Spaces in the New Millennium: Proceedings of the Learning Centered Environments Symposium, 24-25.
Emmel, J., Beamish, J., & Parrott, K. (1999). Experiencing housing spaces and equipment: The Center for Real Life Kitchen Design. American Association of Housing Educators Abstracts of the 1999 Annual Conference, 41-42.
Yoon, B., Hong, S., Choi, H., Park, K., Cho, M., Kim, M., Choi, M., Park, S., Koh, D., Jin, Z. Hirai, K., Beamish, J., & Kim, Y., (1998). Housing form and kitchens: Cross-cultural and historic perspectives. East Meets West – Housing for People of Diverse Cultures: Refereed Abstracts of the International Housing Conference, 91-94
Residential Design
Hwang, E., Kwon, H., Ahn, M., Parrott, K., & Beamish, J. (2016). Research and teaching in the area of housing and the residential environment for emerging consumers in the United States. Proceedings of the XXIII IFHE World Congress 2016 Hope and Happiness. (p. 131).
Hopkins, E. A., Goss, R., Beamish, J., Read, D. (2015). Multifamily at mid-decade: Current trends and future outlook. In Katrin B. Anacker (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2015 Housing Education and Research Association. (pp. 30-32).
Hwang, E., Parrott, K., Kwon, H. J. (2015). Learning contracts in residential design classes. Network of Housing Research (APNHR). Journal of Korean Housing Association International Conference Proceedings, p. 270.
Lee, H.J., Beamish, J., & Goss, R. (2014). Housing situation of young professionals in the United States and Korea. In Michael Goldschmidt and Rebecca Blocker (ED). Proceedings of the 2014 Annual conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 68-70).
Lee, H.J., Goss, R., & Beamish, J. (2014). Housing costs of the U.S. young professionals in rental units. In Michael Goldschmidt and Rebecca Blocker (ED). Proceedings of the 2014 Annual conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 52-53).
Parrott, K., & Beamish, J. (2014). Design and Construction Week: An opportunity to learn, network, and Experience. In Michael Goldschmidt and Rebecca Blocker (ED). Proceedings of the 2014 Annual conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 15-16).
Lee, S.-J., Ahn, M., Parrott, K. (2013). Resources and constraints for U.S. Baby Boomers housing affordability: Application of the Housing Adjustment Theory. In Peek, G. & Turcotte, D. (Eds.). We know we belong to the land: Housing on the Plains. Proceedings of the Housing Education and Research Association, Tulsa, OK, pp. 102-104.
Semeah, L. M., Beamish, J. (2013). Housing satisfaction and the rental housing search process of veterans with disabilities. In Gina Peek and David Trucotte (Ed.), Proceedings of 2013 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 51-53).
Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. (2012). Reasons for moving into multifamily housing. In K. Parrott (Ed.), Proceedings 2012 Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 55-57).
Goss, R.C., Beamish, J.O., & Baily, B.B. (2011). Multifamily rental housing: An alternative for leading edge boomers. Proceedings of Housing Education and Research Association Annual Meeting, pp. 87-92.
Parrott, K. & Kwon, H. (2011). Learning contracts in the design studio: Fostering self-directed learning. In Proceedings of 3rd Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research, Virginia Tech, pp. 186-187.
Wilson, K. & Parrott, K. (2011) Student preferences for hand versus computer drafting in residential design studios. In Peek, G., Ed., Proceedings of the 2011 Housing Education and Research Association Annual Conference, pp. 32-39.
Parrott, K. & Kwon, H. (2010). Learning contracts in the design studio: Fostering self-directed learning. In Anacker, K. (Ed). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, pp. 244-248.
Emmel, J.M., Parrott, J.O., Goss, R.C., & Mitchell, K. (2009). Experiential learning in Housing: The study tour. In Earhart, C., Campbell, H., & Whitaker, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, 142-146.
Lloyd, J.A., Parrott, K.R., & Beamish, J.O. (2009). “I don’t like the carpet… Introduction of a purchasing model. In Earhart, C., Campbell, H., & Whitaker, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, 118-122.
Mitchell, K. J., Beamish, J. O., Goss, R.C., Kwon, H. (2009). Rental apartments: A viable option for boomers? In Earhart, C., Campbell, H., & Whitaker, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, 133-137.
Panzer, J., Kwon, J. & Parrott, K. (2009). Anti-mansionization: The importance of small-scale housing. In Earhart, C., Campbell, H, & Whitaker, S. (Eds). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, pp.22-26.
Lee, H.J., Beamish, J.O., & Goss, R.C. (2006) Development of a lifestyle measurement in housing. In Memken, J. (Ed.) HERA’S 40th Anniversary: Celebrating Our Past with a Look to the Future, 2006 Housing Education and Research Association Conference Proceedings. 151-154.
Lee, H.J., Goss, R., & Beamish, J. O. (2005) Housing values of students in off-campus multifamily housing communities. Housing Education and Research Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 46-48.
Beamish, J., Steeves, J., Koebel, C. T., & Danielsen-Lang, K. (2004, October). Evaluation of the HUD ECHO demonstration program. Housing Education and Research Association Annual Conference Abstracts, 48-50.
Parrott, K., Emmel, J., & Beamish, J. (2002). Residential design and housing research: Recommendations from the Virginia Tech kitchen study. American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference Abstracts, 82-84.
Wood, R., Beamish, J. O., & Goss, R. C. (2001). Housing market choice patterns of single women homeowners. American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference Abstracts. 33-38.
Beamish, J. O., Huff, S., & Parrott, K. R. (2000). Dream Room Project: Collaboration between university and public schools. American Association of Housing Educators Refereed Conference Abstracts. 1-4.
Kutintara, B., & Beamish, J. O. (1998). Residential interior environments of retired government employees in Thailand. East Meets West - Housing for People of Diverse Cultures: Refereed Abstracts of the International Housing Conference, 67-69.
Parrott, K., Emmel, J., & Goss, R. (1999, October). Energy and the environment: Teaching sustainability in housing. In Sward, M. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts of the American Association of Housing Educators 1999 Preconference and Annual Conference, p. 11
Older Adults
Kim, Y., & Beamish, J. O. (2000). Housing for the elderly women in comparative perspective: The United States and Korea. American Association of Housing Educators Refereed Conference Abstracts, 23-28.
Lee, S. J., Giddings, V., Robinson, R., & Parrott, K. R. (2016). Rural North Carolina: A case study of low-income elderly home-owners. In G. Peek, & A. Carswell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, pp. 16-17.
Hwang, E., Lee, S., Koh, S.-H., Brossoie, N., Beamish, J. (2015). Seniors perception on age friendly aspects in Jeju Island, South Korea. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Network of Housing Research Conference. (p. 317).
Lee, S.-J., Parrott, K., Giddings, V. & Robinson, S. R. (2015). Introduction to an "aging-in-place" survey instrument for elderly homeowners with limited resources. In Katrin B. Anacker (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2015 HERA Conference: Refereed Abstracts, pp. 20-23
Parrott, K., Lee, S.-J., Giddings, V. & Robinson, S. R. (2015). Educational needs and opportunities with aging adults: Listening to limited resource elderly homeowners. In Katrin B. Anacker (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2015 HERA Conference: Refereed Abstracts, pp. 86-89.
Kwon, H.J., & Beamish, J. (2014). Multi-family housing senior residents’ reasons for moving, residential satisfaction, and intention to move. In Michael Goldschmidt and Rebecca Blocker (ED). Proceedings of the 2014 Annual conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 66-67).
Beamish, J.O., Kwon, H.J., and Hwang, E. (2013). Aging in place and reasons for moving. In The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 17 (Supplement 1), (pp. S685). The 20th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress.
Hwang, E., Kwon, H. J., Koh, S.-H., Beamish, J. (2013). Retirees moving to Jeju Island, Korea. In Gina Peek and David Trucotte (Ed.), Proceedings of 2013 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 83-84).
Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., Beamish, J. (2013). A demographic profile of older adults’ disabilities and housing accessibilities: The 2011 American Housing Survey. In Gina Peek and David Trucotte (Ed.), Proceedings of 2013 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association (pp. 98-99).
Kwon, H.J., Hwang, E., and Beamish, J. O. (2013). Baby Boomers preferences for residential technologies for aging in place. In The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 17 (Supplement 1), (pp. S433). The 20th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress.
Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. (2013). Boomers' lifestyle and their housing for later life. In John C. Turpin (Ed.), Interior Design Educators Council 2013 Conference Proceedings (pp. 296-297). Interior Design Educators Council.
Kwon, H., & Beamish, J.O. (2011). Boomers lifestyle, housing satisfaction, and intention to move at retirement. Proceedings of Housing Education and Research Association Annual Meeting, pp.130-135.
Kwon, H., & Beamish, J.O. (2010). Boomers housing for later life: Comparisons of conventional multifamily housing and senior housing communities. In Anacker, K. (ed.) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, 168-174.
Kwon, H., Panzer, J., Parrott, K. Beamish, J.O., & Lee, Y. (2009). Smart homes for aging-in-place. In Earhart, C., Campbell, H., & Whitaker, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, 22-26.
Andes, G., & Beamish, J. (2004, October). An evaluation of kitchens and bathrooms in homes designed for seniors. Housing Education and Research Association Annual Conference Abstract, 70-72.
Koebel, T., Beamish, J., Danielsen-Lang, K., & Steeves, J. (2004). Resident and caregiver responses to ECHO Housing: The HUD Demonstration Program in the United States. In Hulchanski, J.D., Murdie, R.A., & Campsie, P. (Eds.). Adequate and Affordable Housing for All: International Housing Conference. 54-55.
Beamish, J., Goss, R., Ahn, M., & Andes, G. (2003). Best practices in assisted living: Dining Rooms, Housing Education and Research Association Annual Conference Abstract, 42-44.
Beamish, J.O., McLain-Kark, J., & Roberto, K. (2002). Older adults’ preferences for virtual assisted living private spaces. American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference Abstracts, 15-17.
Goss, R. C., Beamish, J. O., & Andes, G. (2002). Design and management issues in assisted living facilities. American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference Abstracts, 42-44.
Beamish, J. O., Goss, R. C., & Randall, R. E. (2001). Selection of assisted living facilities by residents in rural areas. American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference Abstracts. 45-48.
People with Disabilities
Semeah, L.M., Beamish, J., Ahrentzen, S., Jia, H., Cowper Ripley, D., Levy., C. E., & Mann, W. (2016). The Home improvements and structural alterations benefits program: What do Veterans with disabilities need to know? In G. Peek, & A. Carswell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, (pp.52-54)
Semeah, L.M., & Beamish, J. (2009) Housing Legislations: Meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities. In Earhart, C., Campbell, H., & Whitaker, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, 198-203.
Cline, H. & Beamish, J.O. (2008). Testing Universal Design Features: Effectiveness of Universal Design Kitchen Features by People Using Wheelchairs. In Zollinger, S., Whitney, B., & Uber, T. (eds.). R-AISON D’ETRE: Presentations of the 2008 Interior Design Council Conference. 273-285.
Cline, H., & Beamish, J.O. (2007). Examining cooking patterns of people in wheelchairs. In Evans, P., & Turpin, J.C. (eds.) Design and Social Justice, Proceedings of the 2007 Interior Design Educators Council Conference. 148-154.