Center for Gerontology Futures Board: Member Accomplishments
September 18, 2018

- James Dau, State Director, AARP Virginia
- Lora Epperly, Director of Business and Dev & Care Innovations, CCR, Inc.
- Cynthia B. Jones, Director, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)
- Tina King, Executive Director, New River Valley Agency on Aging
- Richard Lindsay, Geriatrician
- Katherine Luci, Geropsychologist, Community Living Center, Salem, VA
- Marilyn P. Maxwell, Center for Gerontology Fellow
- Paige McCleary, Director, Adult Protective Services Division (DARS)
- Kathy Miller, Director of Programs, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
- Sallie Morgan, Director, Mental Health Association of Fauquier County
- Ferne Moschella, President & Chief Executive Officer, Warm Hearth Village
- Robert F. Peck, Founder and President, Premier Consulting Services, Inc.
- Carey H. Peerman, Director Healthcare Management and Assistant Professor at Jefferson College of Health Sciences at Carilion Clinic
- Kathy Pryor, Virginia Poverty Law Center
- Sue Ranson, Executive Director, Good Samaritan Hospice, Inc.
- Terry Smith, Director, Long-Term Care DMAS
- Brian Unwin, Section Chief, Geriatric and Palliative Care Services, Carilion Center for Healthy Aging
- Susan Williams, Center for Gerontology Fellow
- Brian K. Unwin, Professor, Department of Medicine, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine
- Paige McCleary, Adult Protective Services Division Director, Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Paige McCleary received the Joanne Otto Distinguished Service Award at the 2018 National Adult Protective Services Association Conference in Anaheim, California. The award is given in recognition of significant contribution by an individual or organization to the growth and development of the field of abuse of elders and persons with disabilities or Adult Protective Services.
Peerman, Carey H., MBA, BSN-RN, LNHA, FACHE; Director, Healthcare Management; Jefferson College of Health Sciences at Carilion Clinic. I will begin my dissertation in the spring.