Donate to Center
Founded in 1977–78, the Center for Gerontology is one of the oldest university research centers at Virginia Tech. Contributions to the center help support ongoing gerontology programs such as graduate student scholarships; research and professional travel; faculty research and professional development; and special projects and publications. Please visit Giving to Virgina Tech for a convenient online contribution form.
In response to the April 16, 2007 tragedy at Virginia Tech, AARP established a memorial fund at the Center for Gerontology in the amount of $1,000 for each of the 32 innocent lives lost on that day. The funds were put in an endowment account, which will provide a perpetual memorial to the students and faculty members who died. The center uses the contributions to encourage students to prepare for careers that advance issues of aging. Those wishing to donate to the AARP Virginia Tech Memorial Fund for Gerontology may mail contributions to the center or email for more specific fund information.