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Our Courses

Our students can choose from a wide range of course clusters. Courses offered during the Spring 2025 semester are bolded. 

Search the Course Catalog for more details about our courses (such as course number, Pathways credit, course descriptions).

Course Clusters

World Religions

Judaism, Christianity, Islam


Hebrew Bible / Old Testament

Torah and Tradition

Advanced Topics in Jewish Culture, History, and Thought

Africana Religions

New Testament

Jesus in Earliest Christianity

Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christianity


Women and Gender in Islam

Religious Ethics


Introduction to American Studies

Religion in American Life

Asian American Experience

Introduction to Appalachian Studies

Issues in Appalachian Studies

History of Appalachia

Folk Cultures in Appalachia

Language and Ethnicity in the U.S.

Religion and Culture in Asia

Religion and Culture in China and Japan

Religion in the Middle East

Religion and Culture in india

Religion and Culture in Latin America / Abya Yala

The State of Israel: A Political History

Religion and the Modern World

Religion and Science

Religion and Politics

Religion and Violence

Religion and Literature

Race and Gender in Religion and Culture

Religion in the Public Sphere

The Culture of Money

Virginia Tech Prison Book Project

The Ancient Mediterranean World

The Medieval World

Introductory Humanities: The Modern World

The Age of the Crusades

The Later Middle Ages: Holy War, Plague, and a New World

Early Middle Ages: Religions, Empires, and Vikings

Gandhi and the Making of Modern India

Gods and Kings in Premodern India

Multi-Cultural Communication

Cultural Politics of Music in Appalachia

Introduction to Humanities and the Arts

Introduction to Popular Culture

Theories of Popular Culture

The Creative Process

Campus Free Speech

Food Studies

Oral Traditions and Cultures