Why Study Political Science Here?
Our department offers six majors: political science, EUropean and transatlantic studies, international public policy, international relations, international studies, and national security and foreign affairs. In the political science major, you can choose from four options: general, legal studies, national security, or social and political justice.
We also offer online and residential master's programs, which provide you with a firm foundation in the discipline and research methods. We offer graduate certificates in environmental politics and policy, Europe and transatlantic relations, foundations of political analysis, information, policy, and society, and security studies. Graduates go on to pursue advanced degrees or careers in government, business, law, education, non-profit organizations, or private sector research.
Beyond the Classroom
Our programs offer lots of opportunities for you to enrich your education, both inside and outside of class.
We have a nationally-ranked department with exceptional researchers and award-winning teachers. They have built a reputation among students for being approachable and engaging.

Our students pursue internships that allow them to gain real world experience in government agencies, non-profits, and political offices. You'll have the chance to work in local, state, and national agencies, including unique experiences like our Hokies on the Hill program and the Washington semester.

We offer scholarships, awards, and research grants just for our students, as well as those sponsored by the university and our College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.

Working one-on-one with our faculty or in research groups, our students undertake independent research, publish their work, and present at conferences.

Explore how governments work internationally. We offer summer, semester and year-long opportunities in a variety of locations across the world.

Our department hosts the Political Science Club, Pi Sigma Alpha (the national honor society in political science), Phi Alpha Delta (a national pre-law society), Internal Relations Organization, Regional-International Organizations, and multiple simulation organizations, including Model UN and Model NATO.