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Jean Monnet Chair

Virginia Tech was awarded a Jean Monnet Chair by the European Commission.

The Jean Monnet Chair is a prestigious and university-wide post that specializes in European Union studies. Only one professor in a university can hold this position.

Yannis Stivachtis, an associate professor in the Department of Political Science, will serve as the chair for a three-year term. Stivachtis is also director of the International Studies Program and associate chair of the department.

“This award demonstrates Virginia Tech’s excellence as a university, as well as its commitment to European studies,” said Stivachtis. “Receiving a Jean Monnet Professorship is a promising development, but requires a continuous commitment.”

Stivachtis authored the successful grant and submitted it to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission for review.

The agency awards Jean Monnet Chairs after a competitive selection process. Recipients must teach at least 90 hours per academic year on topics associated with European integration, conduct research on European Union subjects, and lead outreach and training activities. 

As part of his outreach efforts, Stivachtis plans to help advance knowledge about Europe and the European Union targeting high-school students and teachers in southwest Virginia, as well as participants in the university’s Lifelong Learning Program.

Jean Monnet was one of the founders of the European Union in the 1950s. The Jean Monnet Program is part of Erasmus+, the European Union’s education, youth, and sports initiative. 

Stivachtis’ term as chair is renewable in 2022.


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Lecture on NATO and European security

What are the new threats facing NATO and the EU? Can we do anything about possible Russian military and/or cyberthreats? Prof. Yannis Stivachtis, Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of Political Science, Virginia Tech, will address these and other questions in his lecture titled "New Threats to European Security: The Response of NATO and the EU" to be held on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 5:30pm in Buckman 110.

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

Contact Us

Yannis Stivachtis

Jean Monnet Chair
119 Major Williams Hall