Student Spotlight, Yuxin Zhao
September 18, 2018

All About Yuxin Zhao
Yuxin Zhao is a candidate for a Master’s Degree in Sociology as well as a Master’s in Statistics. She is also pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology. She is a National Certificated Counselor in China, where she advised college students. Yuxin’s research interest involves using psychosocial approaches to understanding daily life stressors and how these affect the psychological and physical well-being of the older adult population.
Specific Questions and Answers
How long have you been a Student at Virginia Tech, and what is your current position?
This is my third year at Virginia Tech, and I’m currently working with Dr. Teaster at the Center for Gerontology as a graduate research assistant. This is my second year working with her.
Where are you headed now with your research, teaching, and/or outreach related to older adults?
My thesis was designed to investigate the burden and depression experience of Alzheimer’s patients and their family caregivers. I used structural equation modeling to explore Pearlin’s Stress Process Model and to examine whether their psychosocial resources mediate or moderate the impacts of the different stressors.
Are there upcoming developments in which you are involved that relate to older adults?
I will present my caregiver research at the conference of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology on October 11th, 2018, in Norfolk, Virginia. I am working with Dr. Teaster on a final report for the Kentucky Office of the Public Guardian, and I am a co-author with her on a book chapter examining international policies related to elder abuse.