Awards and Honors
Honors and Awards Guidelines for 2024-2025 are below.
About Awards and Honors
CLAHS Awards Information Session
- November 12, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, hosted on zoom.
Nominations, excluding the Staff Award (see new guidelines), must be submitted as a single pdf document to Amanda Pester (
Timeline for 2024-2025
Deadlines for submitting nominations in 2024-2025
- January 28, 2025: Deadline for submission of Teaching Excellence and Graduate Student nominations, by 4 pm
- January, 31, 2025: Deadline for Staff Award nominations, now using a form submission, by 4 pm
- UPDATE: Due to the two snow days the new deadline is February 17, 2025: Deadline for submission of Research and Creative Scholarship; Advising; Outreach and International Initiatives; Diversity; and Land Grant Scholar nominations, by 4 pm
Contact Us
Questions pertaining to the College honors and awards should be directed to Professor TeKisha Rice (, Chair of the Honors and Awards Committee, Tom Ewing (, or Amanda Pester (
Certificate of Teaching Excellence
To recognize outstanding faculty members in teaching of undergraduate and graduate students. Up to six awards will be given.
Recipient must be a full-time faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences for whom the teaching of undergraduate and graduate students is and has been an assigned responsibility. All nominations for the College Certificates of Teaching Excellence must follow the Academy of Teaching Excellence dossier guidelines.
Faculty who have been Certificate of Teaching Excellence award winners in the previous two years are encouraged to update and submit their dossiers for consideration for the University Teaching Awards. The deadline for submitting CTE dossiers is January 28, 2025. Winners of Certificates of Teaching Excellence will be notified in time to submit dossiers to be considered for the University Teaching Award.
2024-2025 Guidelines:
A complete dossier will contain the following items (see guidelines for details / templates):
Cover Page (do not include the signed statement about serving on review committee)
Distinctive Contributions and Achievements (1 page)
Nomination Letter (2 pages)
Teaching Statement (1 page)
Letters of Recommendation and / or Peer Evaluations of Teaching (4-5 pages, see guidelines for rules on requesting letters)
Additional Documentation (flexible, to meet limit of 11 pages)
Appendix: Student Perceptions of Teaching: (1) all scores for all courses the past seven years, follow guidelines for reporting scores; (2) a complete pdf file of scores and comments for one course taught within past three years
The dossier is limited to 11 pages, excluding the cover page and the Student Perceptions of Teaching appendix.
Certificate and $500 for professional development.
Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship Award
2024-2025 Guidelines:
To recognize outstanding achievements by a faculty member or members in research and creative scholarship. Up to three awards will be given for Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship.
Recipient(s) must be College full-time faculty members, and have demonstrated exemplary research and creative scholarship at Virginia Tech. The award may be granted jointly to two or more persons when the research was done jointly and was led by the College faculty member.
Criteria for the Award:
Evidence of sustained effort and achievement in the generation of new knowledge in a discipline represented within the College with a broad interpretation of research or creative design;
Evidence that the research and/or scholarly creative endeavors occurred while a member of the Virginia Tech faculty, although the work may be a continuation of research started before joining Virginia Tech;
Evidence of each participant’s specific role and contributions when work was done jointly.
Application materials:
Nomination letter (from self or others) highlighting nominee’s research expertise and success (1 page maximum).
Summary of nominee’s research or scholarly creative activities (1 page maximum)
A curriculum vitae (5 pages maximum)
One letter of support, either internal or external, documenting the significance of the research or creative scholarship (1 page maximum).
Plaque and $500 for professional development.
Excellence in Advising Award
2024-2025 Guidelines:
Advising Awards are now separated into two categories: Undergraduate and Graduate. Up to two awards will be given
Recipient must be a College full-time faculty member or staff member for whom advising of undergraduate or graduate students is and has been an assigned responsibility.
Undergraduate Advising: Criteria for award:
Referral activities or practices
Frequency of contact with advisees
Availability to advisees or colleagues
Use and dissemination of appropriate information and resources
Academic recovery initiatives
Exhibition of interpersonal skills, like active listening, caring attitude, social awareness and empathy, and problem solving
Professional responsibility of development to self and/or the field of academic advising
College- or campus-wide involvement and collaboration
Graduate Advising: Criteria for award:
Fostering of high and inclusive academic standards in the classroom, research laboratory, performance setting, and beyond.
Positive role modeling as a professional with deep personal integrity, high ethical standards, a solid commitment to inclusion and diversity, support for completion of the program of study in a timely manner, and achievable standards for personal excellence.
Substantial influence on the academic and professional pursuits of students that may include support for or co-authorship/co-production of funded research, publications, creative performances and products, and presentations at national or international conferences or performance venues.
Evidence of sustained and active mentoring of students over time including professional productivity of students as reflected in their record of scholarly or professional accomplishments.
Nominations by graduate students are encouraged. Each program should set a procedure for soliciting nominations from graduate students.
Application materials:
Letter of Nomination from self or others highlighting nominee’s advising expertise and success, such as the number of advisees, advisees’ awards, career mentoring, orientation and other advisee development activities and/or products (1 page maximum). Letters must clearly indicate award category: undergraduate or graduate advising
Nominee’s statement of advising philosophy or description of advising responsibilities and contributions (1 page maximum).
Letters of support from students (current or alumni) whole or excerpted (2 pages maximum).
Plaque and $500 for professional development
Excellence in Outreach and International Initiatives Award
2024-2025 Guidelines:
To recognize outstanding accomplishments and contributions in outreach and/or international initiatives. Up to two awards will be given for Excellence in Outreach and International Initiatives.
Recipient(s) must be College full-time faculty members or a team of faculty led by a College faculty member. Nominations may be for individuals or teams.
Criteria for the Award for Outreach Activities:
Evidence of outstanding, focused, and innovative outreach program(s) geared to solve current problems or recognized needs of people or organizations; subject matter expertise; work with other organizations, group or individuals; communication methods utilized in the outreach program; creative methods or ideas used to solve the problems or meet the needs.
Evidence of dissemination of results through various means including, but not limited to, consulting activities, leadership recognition, books, major publications, professional awards or recognition, Cooperative Extension, Center sponsored programs, web information sites, continuing education programs, education programs, or other activities within the college or university.
Criteria for the Award for International Initiatives:
Evidence of outstanding accomplishments and/or activities in international education, outreach, and/or research, such as, but not limited to:
- Development and leadership of academic programs abroad;
- Development of faculty or student exchange opportunities;
- Curricular developments involving an international component;
- Engagement in international scholarly or creative collaborations;
- Engagement in international outreach.
The impact, significance, and sustainability of the accomplishments and/or activities will be considered by the review committee.
Nomination letter (from self or others) highlighting contributions to outreach and/or international initiatives (1 page maximum).
Description of outreach and/or international initiative program that addresses the selection criteria and list of outcomes or products, as applicable (1 page maximum).
One letter of support describing constituents served by the nominee’s activities (1 page maximum).
Plaque and $500 for professional development.
College Staff Award
2024-2025 Guidelines
Guidelines have changed from last year. Feel free to reach out to Amanda Pester,, or CLAHS Staff Association President Cammie Sgarrella,, with questions.
Nominations for the College Staff of the Year Award will be reviewed by the CLAHS Staff Association. Please use the form below to submit your nominations by EXTENSION: February 7, 2025.
The College Staff of the Year Award celebrates outstanding staff members who excel in their roles, demonstrate commitment to our college's mission, and contribute meaningfully to our community. This process aims to recognize nominees who go above and beyond in their contributions, helping our college and their unit achieve new heights.
Nominees must be in their position for at least twelve months and employed by Virginia Tech for at least two years. Student wage and emergency hires are not eligible for this award. The employee who receives this award will not be eligible for consideration again for another five years.
How to Nominate
1. Initial Nomination
A faculty or staff member must submit the nomination form that addresses three key areas of excellence. Please answer the three following questions with specific examples and a maximum of 500 words per question. When addressing these topics, nominators might also consider how the nominee exhibits professionalism and integrity, as well as the ways in which they go above and beyond to support the CLAHS community (including faculty, staff, and/or students).
- Model Job Performance: How does the nominee demonstrate consistency and show dedication to quality and efficiency in their role? In what ways does the nominee go above and beyond the basic requirements of their position?
- Contributions to College Mission and Goals: How does the nominee make meaningful contributions to support the broader goals of the college, such as fostering student success, supporting academic initiatives, and/or enhancing operational efficiency? What impact have their efforts made on the college and/or unit?
- Innovation and Creativity: In what ways has the nominee displayed innovative thinking to improve processes/workflows, solve problems, and/or create new initiatives that positively impact the college community?
2. Nominee Follow-up
After the initial nomination is submitted, representatives from the CLAHS Staff Association will reach out to the nominee to complete two additional steps:
- Self-Reflection Response: The nominee will be invited to share a brief written response about their achievements and why they believe they deserve the award.
- Additional Reference Contact: The nominee will provide a contact for an additional person who can offer further insight into their contributions and impact.
3. Supporting Letter from Additional Reference
Lastly, we will request a letter from the nominee’s reference, offering a second perspective on the nominee’s performance, teamwork, and contribution to the college.
Evaluation Process
All submitted materials will be evaluated holistically, with attention to the quality of the examples and depth of information provided. A scoring rubric, available for viewing by all nominators, will guide our assessment of each candidate’s qualifications. The rubric includes the following areas, tailored to each category of evaluation:
- Model Job Performance: Evaluates whether the nominee consistently exceeds job expectations and demonstrates commitment to quality.
- Contributions to College Mission and Goals: Assesses the nominee’s alignment with and impact on college objectives, such as student/staff/faculty support and operational improvements.
- Innovation and Creativity: Measures the extent to which the nominee brings innovative solutions and/or ideas to their role.
Each nomination will be reviewed against these criteria to ensure a well-rounded and fair evaluation, distinguishing between nominees who go above and beyond what is expected of them, those who meet the expectations of their role, and those who may not fully meet the award’s criteria.
Plaque and $1,000 award.
Spirit of Ut Prosim Award
2024-2025 Guidelines:
The Spirit of Ut Prosim Award honors faculty, staff and graduate students who have made a significant contribution to improve campus climate with regards to issues of inclusiveness at Virginia Tech.
Recipient(s) must be College full-time faculty members, staff members, or graduate students at Virginia Tech. The award may be granted jointly to two or more persons when the diversity contributions were led by the College faculty members, staff, or graduate students. A measure of preference will be given to nominees whose work on diversity may not have been previously recognized through this or similar awards.
Criteria for the Award:
Evidence of a leadership role beyond the expectations of their positions and that has resulted in accomplishment of one or more of the following objectives:
Improve the quality of life for diverse groups at Virginia Tech;
Plan and implement institutional change related to issues of diversity; or
Educate members of the campus community to appreciate an increasingly diverse society.
Application materials:
A nomination letter (from self or others) describing the nominee’s qualifications and contributions to diversity at Virginia Tech and clearly indicating how these contributions and efforts to promote diversity go beyond normal job expectations. Information regarding previous awards should be included in the nomination letter (2 pages maximum).
A summary of the nominee’s activities (2 pages maximum).
One or two letters of support from individuals familiar with the nominee’s contributions (1 page maximum each).
Plaque and $1,500 for professional development.
Land Grant Scholar Award
2024-2025 Guidelines:
To support excellence in faculty scholarship within the college that reflects the engagement mission of the university. This award was made possible by the Niles family, alumni, faculty, and friends through the Dean Jerry A. and Ruth Anne Niles Fund for Faculty Excellence. Its purpose is to honor the vision and tireless work of Dean Niles to the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and to the field of education, and to recognize in particular his commitment to the university’s land-grant mission. In addition, the award honors Ruth Anne Niles, his wife, for her support of his work and the college. Jerry and Ruth Anne Niles will be invited to participate in the presentation of this award. One land grant scholar award will be given.
Recipient(s) must be College full-time faculty members who have been at Virginia Tech who have demonstrated exemplary scholarship of engagement. The award may be granted to two or more persons when the work was done jointly and was led by a College faculty member.
Criteria for the Award:
The scholarship enhances the lives of individuals, families, communities or society beyond the walls of the university;
The scholarship is founded on a principle of mutual collaboration between the scholar and the public;
The scholar recognizes and articulates the reciprocal benefits of the collaborative and participatory nature of this work;
The scholarship is shared publicly in presentations or publications (ideally in partnership with community collaborators); and
The scholarship engages students (when appropriate).
Nomination letter (from self or others) highlighting nominee’s scholarship of engagement and its impact (1 page maximum).
Summary of nominee’s scholarship of engagement, with focus on how this scholarship addresses the evaluation criteria listed above (1 page maximum).
One letter of support documenting significance of this scholarship of engagement (1 page maximum).
Plaque and $1,500 for professional development.
Outstanding Graduate Student Award
2024-2025 Guidelines:
The Graduate School each year acknowledges the outstanding graduate student in each college. One award will be given to a master's student and one award to a doctoral student in the College. Winners will receive $500 and a certificate at the Graduate Awards Banquet.
Any graduate student enrolled during the current academic year is eligible. Submission of a nomination is open to anyone who wishes to nominate self or other. More information about the Outstanding Graduate Student awards is available from the Graduate School website.
Criteria for the Award
The committee will look for evidence of outstanding performance in two or more of the following areas:
Teaching could include mentoring of undergraduate or graduate students, advising, graduate teaching assistantships, assistance with classes, and other aspects of teaching and advising.
Research could include course work, seminar projects, theses, publications, presentations, and performances.
Outreach or Professional Development could include work with audiences outside of Virginia Tech in local, regional, national or international communities, or contributions to collaborative projects, workshops, training sessions, and other forms of professional service.
Application materials:
A statement by the nominee identifying contributions and achievements in teaching, research, and outreach or professional development (1 page maximum);
A curriculum vitae (1 page maximum);
Two letters of support from College faculty members that speak to the nominee’s accomplishments (1 page maximum each).
The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Awards and Honors Committee invites nominations of faculty, staff, and graduate students for college recognition. This document includes all the necessary information related to the College’s awards. Please note that there is no limit on the number of award nominations that can be forwarded to the committee. For all faculty awards, winners are not eligible for re-nomination for the same award for a period of three years. We encourage all faculty, as well as staff and graduate students, as appropriate, to nominate themselves or to nominate their colleagues.