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We invite you to explore ways to get involved. There are multiple opportunities to make a difference in the lives of students.

Share Your Expertise

We welcome alumni to speak with students and faculty about their work. From globalization to community impact, we host presentations to inform our students about a variety of industries. We want to encourage them to take action in the world around them. If you wish to volunteer to speak to a class or provide a lecture, please contact Department Chair, Kelly Trogdon.

We encourage students to engage in hands-on learning that supports their curriculum. Contact us if you are willing to sponsor an internship, supervise research or host service learning projects.

Share Your Wealth

Our students benefit from gifts and support from alumni and friends who invest in expanding opportunities. These include endowed scholarships, a program excellence endowed fund, and an endowed lecture. Gifts are made in two categories: annual or major. 

Annual gifts of any size demonstrate your recognition of the value of your degree and your desire to see the program thrive. Please designate your annual gifts to the Department of Philosophy.

If you wish to make a major gift, please contact Michael Webb, the college’s assistant dean for advancement, at 540-231-8014 or