Undergraduate Research

Undertaking original research helps you build the skills to find, analyze, and present evidence. Here's how our department can help you conduct, fund, present, and publish your research.
Human Development and Family Science Research Opportunities
You'll complete major original research projects in HD 3014: Research Methods in Human Development or HD 4714: Senior Capstone Seminar. These research projects can lead to conference presentations and publications.
You can register for our independent study or undergraduate research courses, which provide opportunities to complete a research project with the guidance of a faculty mentor. Ask your academic advisor for more information.
Department faculty are always interested in talking to students about their research. If you're curious about a professor's area of specialization, ask about pursuing a collaborative project.
Publishing Your Research
Each year, the College of Liberal and Human Sciences publishes a student-run undergraduate journal, Philologia, which often includes submissions from students in the human development major.

Related Links
Apply for funds to support your research or related travel. The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences grant applications is now available!
Departmental Advisors
- Early Childhood Development and Education – Victoria Lael
- Human Development – Victoria Lael