Course List (Marriage and Family Therapy)
Introduction to theories and methods used to study adult development and aging. Provides students with a thorough grounding in the scholarly literature in regard to the demographic, biological, functional, psychological, and social aspects of aging with a specific focus on individual development.
Interpersonal and social development across the adult phases of the life cycle. Integration of theory and research as it pertains to family and friend networks, living arrangements, diverse family forms, and critical life events such as widowhood.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5104
Review of research related to social and emotional development of the child from birth through middle childhood. I
Prerequisite(s): HD 5214
Socio-cultural theories, research methods, and empirical issues in cognitive developmetn from infancy through adolescence. Cognitive processes, social cognition, communication, emotion, learners and learning in various social and cultural contexts. Pre: Graduate Standing.
Sexual and reproductive health from human development, public health, and critical feminist perspectives, with special attention to human rights issues. Sexually transmitted infections; HIV/AIDS; unintended pregnancy; population policies; eugenics; sexual and reproductive rights; positive sexuality, sex education; and health promotion. Pre: Graduate standing.
Social determinants of health through the life-course. Relationship of social injustice to public health. Interplay of major social factors such as poverty, race and gender to influence health domestically and globally. Application of social epidemiology to a range of health outcomes. Inform effective solutions to health inequities. Pre: Graduate standing.
An introduction to the literature in family studies with emphasis on integration of concepts and current developments in the field.
Interdisciplinary historical consideration of writings, research, theory, and application of knowledge related to human sexuality. II
Theory development and basic underlying assumptions of a systems framework to marriage and family therapy. Emphasis is on conceptualizing human problems as they are related to the functioning of systems.
Stages of individual development as they occur in the context of the family life course. Overview of current developmental theories. Impact of race, gender, and class on cultural views of developmental norms.
Underlying philosophy, theory and practice of the Structural and Strategic approaches to marital and family therapy. I, II
Prerequisite(s): HD 5404
This course comprises three distinct parts. The first part examines the approaches to family therapy that have been labeled "Constructivist Approaches." The second part examines Emotionally Focused Therapy. The final part involves an in-depth look at the Metaframeworks Model developed at the Institute for Juvenile Research in Chicago, which integrates various schools of marriage and family therapy.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5404
Emphasis is on interrelationships between mind, body, environment, and social aspects of behavior in the context of the family system. The focus will be on the process of diagnosis and treatment in the family context. I.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5404, HD 5434, HD 5444
Focuses on the major ethical, legal, and professional issues faced by those in the field of marriage and family therapy. II.
Issues of treatment related to specialized content areas of family therapy. Focus on topics such as: sexual dysfunction, divorce counseling and mediation, the abusive/violent family, addicted family members, suicidal problems, ethical and professional issues in treating marriages and families. II.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5434, HD 5444
Introductory course in research methodology for the social sciences: formulation of a research problem, design, sampling, data collection, measurement, data analysis, interpretation, and writing the research report. I
Introduction to major theories of human development and application of these theories to understanding and improving the well being of children, adults, couples, and families within complex social systems. Portfolio project: Preparation of a theoretically driven literature review. I.
Interdisciplinary approaches to professional practices in the delivery of human services. Emphasis on human service delivery to families and communities, management practices, and professional development. Portfolio project: Professional management and leadership assessment. I.
This course provides a context for students to consider in-depth connections between government, policy, and individuals and families throughout the life course. Emphasis is placed on learning through individual study, analysis, and reflection. Students will engage in an advanced exploration of substantive and theoretical issues that relate to the development and implementation of human development policies affecting children, adults, couples, and systems. Portfolio project: Policy analysis paper based on a specific topic, position papers on policy topics. II.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5614, HD 5624, EDRE 5404
Methods of conducting program evaluations for prevention and intervention programs that promote public health and human development. Major dimensions of evaluation strategies, including process evaluation, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Pre: Graduate Standing.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5614, HD 5624, EDRE 5404
Overview of the methods and procedures for developing competitive grant proposals. Students learn basic grant writing skills that include identifying and seeking funding sources, preparing a fundable grant proposal, building a budget, and managing a funded project. Portfolio project: Development of actual grant proposal for an organization or special project. II.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5614, HD 5624, EDRE 5404
Provides consultation and seminar dialogue for advanced master's student in Human Development as they undertake experiences in a supervised field setting. Possible settings span an array of human development agencies focused on children, adults, and families. Experiences include activites of a regularly employed professional in the setting accompanied by periodic seminar meetings.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5634, HD 5644, HD 5654, EDRE 5404
Advanced seminar on current topics in human development. May be repeated with different topic content for a maximum of 9 credits. Pre-requisite: Graduate Standing required.
Overview of the conceptual, clinical, and empirical advances in couples therapy. Focus of course will be on using current research on couple interaction and evidence-based marital therapy to assess and treat couples.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5404
This course introduces the student ot the requisite skills for beginning practicum. Students will examine the role of theory in practice, the differences between process and content, the use of process in clinical work, and the impact of gender, ethnicity, and therapist's self perception on the therapy process. The course will also review "nuts and bolts" of therapy (i.e., writing appropriate clinical notes, identifying risk issues, etc.). Admission to the MFT Clinical Program is required.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5404, HD 5434
In-depth study of selected topics in marriage and family therapy (e.g., medical family therapy, play therapy, spirituality and family therapy). Focus of course will be on reviewing current research on the specific issue and developing treatment strategies for individuals, couples, and families. May be repeated for credit with different content for a maximum of 9 credit hours. For Northern Virginia Students Only.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5404
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Practicum experiences in departmental options under supervision. (Maximum 15 percent of student's graduate program). Repeatable with different topics.
Review and critique of professional issues in the field of human development related to research and scholarship, pedagogy, outreach, and service. May be repeated.
Concepts, principles, and processes of theory construction; paradigms in human development and family studies; development of definitions; assumptions; propositions, and hypotheses; criteria for evaluating theory; and construction of theoretical statements. The pre-requisite EDRE 6605 may be substituted for an equivalent course in research methods and statistics.
Prerequisite(s): HD 5614, EDRE 6605
Review of theories and research in parent-child interaction from birth through adolescence and exploration of practical application in various settings.
Advanced course on process in adult relationships with focus on properties, types, diversity, development, and maintenance of close relationships between adults.
Advanced investigation of the development and conceptual basis of systems theory with application to marriage and family therapy. I.
Advanced study and application of Systemic, Bowenian, and Narrative family therapy models within the profession of marriage and family therapy. Prior training in general systems theory, family therapy theories, and therapeutic experience in family therapy required. I
Prerequisite(s): HD 6404
Underlying theory and practice of couple and family therapy from experiential therapy models. II
Prerequisite(s): HD 6404, HD 6414
Advanced study of the profession of marriage and family therapy. This course will rotate topics and cover two advanced practice areas such as feminist therapy, sex therapy, or therapy with families with substance abuse or violence. II
Prerequisite(s): HD 6414, HD 6424, HD 6404
Underlying philosophy, theory, and principles of the process of supervising the practice of marriage and family therapy. II
Prerequisite(s): HD 6404, HD 6414, HD 6424
Advanced understanding of the major ethical, legal, and professional issues faced by those in the field of marriage and family therapy. II.
Comprehensive overview of the major empirical research of marriage and family therapy. Prior training in family therapy theories and therapeutic processes required. A basic knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods required. II.
Advanced level research methodology; examination of current procedures for studying individual development and family relationships. II
Prerequisite(s): HD 5514
Discussions on emergent techniques used in contemporary methodological literature. Training in modern software for implementation of complex research methodologies. May be repeated with different topic content for a maximum of 4 credits. Pre: Graudate standing.