Gender Equity Lecture Series: Violence Against Women in Europe
March 23, 2023

On Wednesday April 5, 2023 the center hosted a webinar on Violence Against Women in Europe.
The adoption of the Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence or IC) represents an important achievement in promoting gender equity. The IC entered into force in 2014 and was signed by the EU in June 2017. The first international instrument of its kind, it requires that ratifying states identify legally binding standards to prevent gender-based violence, as well as protect victims and hold perpetrators to account. This webinar takes stock of advancements in Europe, raising critical issues that have emerged in recent years but also remaining challenges.
The webinar was opened by Dr. Farida Jalalzai, Associate Dean of Global Initiatives and Engagement in the VT College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and featured the following panelists:
Katalin Parti, Assistant Professor, Sociology, VT
Michael Giesen, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Political Science, University of Potsdam
Maria del Carmen Martinez Belmonte, Head of Cabinet to the Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Eliana Jimeno, Advocacy and Campaign Coordinator, WAVE