Virtual Language Exchange Program
The Virtual Language Exchange is an effective and flexible way for Virginia Tech students to practice their language skills by speaking with native speakers abroad. The program is currently available in French, German, or Spanish. Space is limited in any given semester.
How It Works
- Virginia Tech students studying French, German, or Spanish at the 3000-level and above will be paired with students at partner universities.
- Students may request a conversation partner pursuing a degree in a similar field.
- Partners will schedule virtual conversations over Zoom or any other videoconferencing platform.
- Virginia Tech students who complete requirements may earn one credit of FR Field Study, GER Field Study, or SPAN Field Study.
- Improve intercultural and oral communication skills in a career-conscious environment.
- Learn everyday and field-specific vocabulary.
- Develop fluency in another language.
- Gain cultural knowledge benefitting your future professional and personal life.
For general information and application materials, contact the Virtual Language Exchange supervisors:
- French, Dr. Corinne Noirot,
- German, Dr. Debra Stoudt,
- Spanish, Dr. Sarah Sierra,
Application and Registration deadlines:
- Students of French may apply for academic credit between Course Request and the first week of classes during a given semester
- Students of German who are eligible and enrolled in a German course will receive an e-mail message mid-semester announcing the application deadline; students of German not enrolled in a German course should contact the VLE supervisor within four weeks of the start of the semester for details
- Students of Spanish may register only for the spring semester through the VLE supervisor and may add SPAN 4964 only during the first week of add/drop for the spring semester
Students accepted into Virginia Tech’s Virtual Language Exchange Program will receive a detailed syllabus and required forms. This is an overview of the coursework. This course is pass/fail.
Completion of the following activities and tasks is required to earn a P grade:
- Timely submission of the appropriate “Field Study/Special Study” registration form (available from the Virtual Language Exchange coordinator).
- A written Learning Agreement (and any other partner institution paperwork, if applicable).
- An introductory Zoom session with your supervising instructor.
- Communicating with your assigned partner for scheduling, planning, material sharing, and other logistics.
- A minimum of 10 video conversations via Zoom, Google Meet, or another videoconferencing platform (these conversations should be 70 to 90 minutes each).
- A written conversation log (completed as you go as personal notes; not to be turned in).
- Four oral reports (audio or video; at two to three minutes each) covering several conversations each (based on your conversation log).
- An online discussion forum with other program participants.
- A final reflection podcast (audio or video; five to six minutes).