Preparing Instructional Technology Professionals
Locally, nationally, and internationally, CITSIE faculty are involved in the preparation of instructional technology professionals within K-12 settings, higher-education, and the private sector. For example, faculty have conducted over 50 workshops for instructional personnel in Danville Public Schools, Pittsylvania County Schools, and four private schools in Southside Virginia; 10 workshops on instructional design for the professional development of nursing educators; and numerous workshops for university faculty at Virginia Tech through the Faculty Development Institute.
Current and past projects include:
- ITMA online Instructional Technology Master's Program (ITMA) that enrolls over 250 students across the country each semester.
- Preparing Instructional Technology Professionals in Malawi Developed a cadre of Malawi educators to serve as instructional technology specialists with the skills to not only design and implement on-line programming regarding IT, but also to serve as technology trainers for other Malawi teachers.
- Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology Created a collection of databases and services with a web-based front-end, which can connect users to an archive of training materials, grade/content-appropriate tools, and useful links for K-12 technology integration.
- Technology Integration Modules for Teacher Education Developed asynchronous online courses to make technology an integral part of the Teacher Education Program at Virginia Tech.