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Russian Project GO

Welcome to Project Global Officer (Project GO) in Russian

ornate building and sculptures in Russia

Project Global Officer provides full scholarships to qualifying ROTC students from Virginia Tech and other universities for the summer study of Russian language and culture. The eight-week intensive and fully immersive language program in Latvia is open to students with at least one year of Russian. The program covers a full year of language and culture for a total of 9 credit hours, all of which count towards fulfilling the Russian major at Virginia Tech. In addition, students live with Russian-speaking host families, participate in excursions throughout the Baltics and attend numerous cultural events and classes.

Project GO is focused on improving the language skills, regional expertise and intercultural communication skills of future military officers.  Students of any major are encouraged to apply.

ABOUT VT-Russian [Overseas Program]

A group of students in Russia pose for a photo

Total Students: 15

Program Dates: May 17, 2024 - July 13, 2024

Location: Daugavpils, Latvia

VT in Latvia is an immersive, faculty-led program designed to enhance the students’ proficiency in Russian language and cultural competency through structured classes, conversation partnerships, excursions, seminars, and cultural activities.

Project GO Students attend language classes four hours each day, taught by a local instructional team. Classes follow the proficiency-based approach, while integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Students complete 150 contact hours (9 credits) over the course of 8 weeks.

In addition to the 20 contact hours, students are placed with Russian host families, attend weekly culinary and music lessons, lectures by local experts, cultural/historical excursions and site visits – including Riga, Latvia and Vilnius, Lithuania. Visits to local businesses and museums, lunches with local peer students and the celebration Ligo, the Latvian national holiday.


Only completed and submitted student applications to the national Project GO central application system will be considered for a Project GO scholarship. To apply, please go to:

Students are required to have completed one year (two semesters) of Russian language study in order to be eligible for an overseas study scholarship for VT-Latvia. The program will provide selected students with a scholarship offering full funding for program tuition/fees, lodging, meals, travel to/from the study location on a U.S. Flag carrier, books, insurance, and visa. The scholarship may not include personal spending money, personal travel, costs for obtaining a passport, medication or inoculations, or expenses for dependents.

Important Dates

The following are important dates to remember throughout the scholarship application process. There may be additional deadlines related to the VT’s Global Education Office. Please check with Project GO’s coordinator, Mrs. Rhonda Pennington (contact information below) as questions arise.

  • Study Abroad Scholarship Application Due: January 18, 2024
  • Study Abroad Notification Day: February 20, 2024
  • Military Career & Mentoring Webinar: October 12, 2023 @2:30pm-4:30pm EASTERN. Click here for the registration link.
  • Student Webinar 1 - Application Q&A: October 18, 2023 @3:00pm EASTERN. Covers what is Project GO, eligibility criteria, and includes an application walkthrough and Q&A. Click here for the registration link.
  • Student Webinar 2 - Application Q&A: December 7, 2023 @3:00pm EASTERN. Recaps the content of the first webinar and provides tips on finalizing the application and includes a Q&A session. Click here for the registration link.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact:

Rhonda Pennington
Project GO Coordinator

Dr. Robert Efird 
Associate Professor 
Co-Director of Russian Program
Co-PI, Project GO