Results for: STS Graduate Faculty in Northern Virginia Center
STS Graduate Faculty in Northern Virginia Center
General ItemSonja D. Schmid
Sonja Schmid's research includes examining the interface of national energy policies, technological choices, and nonproliferation concerns. Her most recent NSF-supported research project examined the challenges of globalizing nuclear emergency response. She teaches courses in social studies of technology, science and technology policy, socio-cultural studies of risk, energy policy, and nuclear nonproliferation.
- tag: Science, Technology, and Society Graduate Faculty
- tag: Faculty Experts in Engineering and Technology Studies
- tag: STS Graduate Faculty in Northern Virginia Center
- tag: Faculty Experts in Science and Technology Policy
- tag: Faculty Experts in Energy and the Environment
- tag: Science, Technology, and Society Faculty
General ItemBarbara L. Allen
Barbara Allen’s research focuses on environmental justice, namely, participatory projects that engage the public in shaping environmental health science. She works with local communities in heavily polluted industrial regions in France and the U.S. to produce rigorous environmental health data that can assist residents in their advocacy for policy and regulatory change. In 2022, Professor Allen completed a decade-long public health project in France’s largest industrial region near the port of Marseille.
General ItemJanet Abbate
Janet Abbate's work focuses on the history, culture, and policy issues of the internet and computing. Her book Inventing the Internet has become the standard reference on the history of the Internet. Recoding Gender: Women’s Changing Participation in Computing explores how gender has shaped computing and suggests how the experiences of female pioneers can inform current efforts to broaden participation in science and technology.