Results for: M.A. in English Faculty
M.A. in English Faculty
Bio ItemKatrina M. Powell , bio
Professor and Director of the Center for Refugee, Migrant, and Displacement Studies, 220 Stanger Street, Blacksburg, VA 24061, 540-231-6501 | kmpowell@vt.edu
Bio ItemKatie Carmichael , bio
Associate Professor, 407 Shanks Hall, 181 Turner Street, NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, katcarm@vt.edu
- tag: Philology, Linguistics, and Grammar
- tag: Gender Sexuality Studies
- tag: Faculty Experts In Linguistics
- tag: English Faculty
- tag: Faculty Experts In Literature and Language
- tag: American Indian Studies
- tag: African-American Literature
- tag: Katie Carmichael
- tag: Latinx Studies
- tag: M.A. in English Faculty
Bio ItemCharlene Eska , bio
Professor, 312 Shanks Hall, 181 Turner Street, NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, ceska@vt.edu
Bio ItemSherri Craig , bio
Assistant Professor, 308 Shanks Hall, 181 Turner St, NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, secraig@vt.edu
Bio ItemShoshana Milgram Knapp , bio
Associate Professor, 227 Shanks Hall, 181 Turner Street NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, dashiell@vt.edu
- tag: English Faculty
- tag: Faculty Experts In Literature and Language
- tag: American Literature, Late
- tag: Jewish Studies Religious Literature
- tag: M.A. in English Faculty
- tag: Shoshana Knapp
- tag: Comparative Literature
- tag: Drama
- tag: Gender Sexuality Studies
- tag: Romantic Victorian Literature
- tag: Film Visual Culture
- tag: English Graduate Faculty
- tag: Fantasy and Science Fiction
- tag: Modern British Literature
- tag: Fiction
- tag: Womens Literature
Bio ItemKenneth Hodges , bio
Professor, 209 Shanks Hall, 181 Turner Street NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, klhodges@vt.edu
Bio ItemDavid Radcliffe , bio
Professor, 412 Shanks Hall, 180 Turner Street, NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, drad@vt.edu
Bio ItemAshley Reed , bio
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, 405 Shanks Hall, 180 Turner Street, NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, 540-231-8650 | akreed@vt.edu
- tag: Science and Technology Studies
- tag: Digital Humanities
- tag: English Faculty
- tag: Faculty Experts In Literature and Language
- tag: American Literature, Late
- tag: Ashley Reed
- tag: M.A. in English Faculty
- tag: Theory and Criticism
- tag: Gender Sexuality Studies
- tag: Film Visual Culture
- tag: English Graduate Faculty
- tag: Fiction
- tag: American Literature, Early
- tag: American Indian Studies
- tag: African-American Literature
- tag: Poetry
- tag: Womens Literature
Bio ItemAbby Walker , bio
Associate Professor and Director of the Language Sciences Program, 409 Shanks Hall, 180 Turner Street, NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, ajwalker@vt.edu
Bio ItemBruce McComiskey , bio
Professor of English, Shanks Hall 207, 181 Turner St NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061, 540-321-7759, mbruce21@vt.edu
Page 1 of 3 | 23 Results