Cross-Border Networks in Writing Studies
February 18, 2017

Release Date | 2017-02-18 |
Publisher | Inkshed and Parlor Press |
EAN/ISBN | 978-1602359222 |
Author(s) | Derek Mueller, Andrea Williams, Louise Wetherbee Phelps, and Jennifer Clary-Lemon |
Summary | Cross-Border Networks in Writing Studiescoordinates mixed methods approaches to survey, interview, and case study data to study Canadian writing studies scholars. The authors argue for networked disciplinarity, the notion that ideas arise and flow through intellectual networks that connect scholars not only to one another but to widening networks of human and nonhuman actors. Although the Canadian field is historically rooted in the themes of location and national culture, expressing a tension between Canadian independence and dependence on the U.S. field, more recent research suggests a more hybridized North American scholarship rather than one defined in opposition to “rhetoric and composition” in the U.S. In tracing identities, roles, and rituals of nationally bound considerations of how disciplinarity has been constructed through distant and close methods, this multi-scaled, multi-scopic approach examines the texture of interdependent constructions of the Canadian discipline. |