James Hawdon Coedited ‘Marijuana in America: Cultural, Political, and Medical Controversies,’ Students and Faculty Contributed
May 1, 2022
James Hawdon, a professor in the Department of Sociology, coedited Marijuana in America: Cultural, Political, and Medical Controversies (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CILO, 2022), with Bryan Lee Miller and Matthew Costello. His individual contributions were: “Introduction and Chronology,” pp. XI–XXV, with Miller and Costello; “Ecological Impacts” with alumnus Robert Perdue, pp. 115–17; and “George H. W. Bush,” “Central Asia,” “China and Southeast Asia,” “Europe,” “India and South Asia,” “Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019,” Middle East,” “Barack Obama,” “Religion,” and “Donald Trump,” pp. 34–36, 56–57, 59–62, 119–21, 162–64, 181–82, 203–04, 226–28, 255–58, and 293–95.
Contributing as well from the Department of Sociology were the following:
- Doctoral student Amanda Burroughs, “American Presidents” and “Colonial America,” pp. 8–10 and 67–68
- Doctoral student Lyla Byers, “Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act” and “Office of National Drug Control Policy,” pp. 74–75 and 228–30
- Doctoral student Jordan Marth, “Woodstock,” pp. 308–09
- Doctoral student Christopher Miceli and alumna Angela Barlow, “Saturday Night Live,” pp. 259–62
- Doctoral student Anne McNutt Patrick, “The Beetles” and “Compassionate Use Act,” pp. 23–25 and 72–74
- Doctoral student Courtney Ross, “Cheech and Chong,” “Cypress Hill,” “Reefer Madness,” and “Stoner Films,” pp. 57–59, 85–86, 254–55, and 274–76
- Instructor Christine McCown, “Medical Uses,” “Mental Health,” Mental Illness,” and “Moral Panics,” pp. 195–98, 198–201, 201–03, and 207–10
- Associate professor Anastasia Vogt Yuan, “Anxiety,” “Chronic Pain,” and “Family Life,” pp. 19–20, 62–63, and 122–23
Also contributing were: Nick Copeland, an associate professor in the Department of History, “Dazed and Confused,” pp. 89–91, and Eric Jardine, an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, “Online Marijuana Markets,” pp. 230–32.