AHRM Undergraduate Research

Conducting original research helps you build the skills to find, analyze, and present evidence. You can focus on a research question or a design-based project with a faculty member. Past projects have included creative apparel design based on historic costumes, a poster presentation on guidelines for developing a kosher kitchen, and developing and testing menu items for food service on campus.
Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management Research Opportunities
You can register for our independent study or undergraduate research courses, which provide opportunities to complete a research project with the guidance of a faculty mentor. Ask your academic advisor for more information.
Our faculty enjoy sharing their research with students. If you're curious about a professor's area of research, ask about pursuing a collaborative project. Or, invite a professor to mentor you while pursuing your own ideas.
Presenting Your Research
Students in Consumer Studies, Fashion Merchandising and Design, Property Management, Residential Environments and Design, and Family and Consumer Sciences working with AHRM faculty on class or team projects, undergraduate research, independent studies, internships, and study abroad can submit a 250 word abstract to have their work included in the Hands-On, Minds On Celebration. Projects can be presented as a poster, or as a design or media exhibit.
Date and Time: TBA
Location: Wallace Atrium Lower Level
Contact: Dr. Julia Beamish, jbeamish@vt.edu

Related Links
Apply for funds to support your research or related travel. The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences grant applications is now available!
Departmental Advisors
- Consumer Studies - Irene Leech
- Family and Consumer Studies - Julia Beamish
- Fashion Merchandising and Design - Julia Beamish
- Property Management - Kelly Avery
- Residential Environments and Design – Kathy Parrott